Home » Chinese Navy ships travel to Singapore for exercises

Chinese Navy ships travel to Singapore for exercises

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Chinese Navy ships travel to Singapore for exercises

BEIJING (AP) — China’s military has mobilized a pair of warships for joint exercises with the Singapore Navy and to participate in a regional maritime security exhibition.

The drills due to start on Friday in the Southeast Asian city-state come against a backdrop of a growing Chinese presence in the South China Sea, almost entirely claimed by Beijing.

Concern is especially high in the United States, which on Wednesday joined Philippine forces for major exercises in Philippine waters near the disputed sea, likely to anger China. Beijing’s attitude towards the territory coincides with the worst moment of its relationship with Washington and its allies.

The military channel of Chinese state television identified the mobilized vessels as the Yulin guided missile frigate and the Chibi minesweeper. They will also participate in the IMDEX Asia National Maritime Defense and Security Exhibition, which is held between May 3 and 5 and will feature 25 warships and the presence of 62 countries.

Faced with China’s efforts to make gains in countries that have traditionally leaned toward the United States, Singapore has sought balance between the two rival powers even though it officially has no allies amid a struggle for military and economic influence.

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