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Huila Pride

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Huila Pride

The designation of Huilense Engineer Alberto Germán Bahamòn Jaramillo as Manager of the National Federation of Coffee Growers is considered a historical fact, after a very rigorous process where the three best talents were selected by an international firm, in accordance with the guidelines outlined by all the representations of the country’s coffee departments. It is also another defeat received by the national government, which wanted to exchange the ternados for members of the Historical Pact movement. But the extraordinary Congress held the day before, ignored the presidential guidelines, unanimously making the decision to designate this young promise from Huila, who held the presidency of the multinational company Apple for Latin America. The shortlist was also made up of former Comptroller Sandra Morelli and Santiago Pardo.

Germán Bahamón will lead the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC), who has expressed that, thanks to its proximity to each region, it will feed union unity, which is why his contact will be permanent with each one of the people. It must be recognized that he was the most prepared and suitable person that the coffee union had. He has a domestic and global vision that will allow him to face the national and international challenges that lie ahead. In addition, he has the ability to lead the FNC, upon reaching its first centenary, to lead the sustainability and prosperity of coffee families.

Currently, the FNC brings together 540,000 producer families. Coffee is grown on 842,399 hectares, in 604 of the country’s 1,123 municipalities and its production represents 21% of agricultural GDP. It will have great challenges to generate trust and convergence with all the actors in the coffee production, marketing and value chain; thus, internal consumption will be strengthened and stimulated. Likewise, it seeks to strengthen the commercialization of specialty coffees, given the knowledge or experience that the new designated manager of the real sector of the coffee subject possesses. Additionally, his managerial profile integrates qualities of leadership, solidarity, social sensitivity, managerial capacity and ability to lead and carry out the union’s priorities and thus project it during his work period. Germán Bahamón is an agro-industrial production engineer from the Universidad de la Sabana, with a Specialization in Strategic Marketing from the College of Higher Education Studies in Administration (CESA) and in Executive Marketing from the Kellogg School of Administration (Northwestern University, Chicago). In addition, he has been a professor, professor, and has held positions in the public and private sectors. For more than 20 years he has held general management positions at companies such as Apple, Sony Ericsson, Sony Corp., Kimberly Clark and Alquería. For the department’s coffee-growing areas, it is a great opportunity for millionaire resources from the National Coffee Fund to be channeled to promote large projects of social and economic development in Huila.

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