Home » Tetyana Kalita tells how veterans with disabilities can get financial assistance

Tetyana Kalita tells how veterans with disabilities can get financial assistance

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Tetyana Kalita tells how veterans with disabilities can get financial assistance

In March, the second stage of the joint project of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Red Cross to support war veterans began. Payment of cash assistance is carried out regardless of receiving other types of assistance in the amount of 4,000 hryvnias per month for 4 months. How to get help and who can be refused – read on.

— Who can receive assistance and what is the duration of payments?

Assistance can be received by those who have applied for the project. Adult citizens of Ukraine who received group I or II disability as a result of the war. It is important that information about them be entered into the Unified State Register of War Veterans, — told “FACTS” Tetyana Kalita, Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization. — It is about 4 thousand hryvnias for 4 months, i.e. a total of 16 thousand hryvnias.

— How to submit an application in electronic form?

The application can be submitted through the official web portal https://eveteran.gov.ua/. I also draw your attention to the mandatory presence of:

  • electronic signature,
  • bank account (IBAN);
  • and contact phone number of the applicant.

As of today, the first stage has already been completed. At the first stage, we received 10,000 applications. The second stage is currently underway.
Please note that we need time to technically update the databases to include those who have received statuses in the last period of time.

— How is the application considered? How many applications can you process and allocate funds for?

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The main thing that is checked during the consideration of the application is whether the citizen has the status of a war veteran – a person with a disability as a result of the war (I or II groups), the whole process takes place automatically, without a human factor. The automatic system allows you to process any number of applications. We, as the Ministry, in this service provide a mechanism for its implementation. Allocation of funds is a matter for our partners who provide assistance. These payments are financed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the Red Cross Society of Ukraine.

— How many citizens were refused and why?

The refusal occurs if the applicant is not in the Unified State Register of War Veterans, that is, the status of a person with a disability due to the war is not confirmed, or those who submitted several applications at the same time. At the first stage, there were about 350 of them.

Also, about 60 applications were rejected at the bank stage, which was due to various reasons. For example, the applicant’s last name, first name, and patronymic did not match the IBAN data.

There were also cases when the applicant indicated a currency card account and other cases. The automaticity of the service checks the availability of status in the Unified Register of War Veterans, the correctness of bank data. There are cases when card accounts are blocked. In this case, the money simply cannot be credited to the applicant. 95% of applicants received assistance.

— When to expect the first payment and what to do if the funds do not arrive?

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The first payment in the amount of UAH 4,000 is received within seven working days to the applicant’s bank account. But from practice, we note that the payment takes place, as a rule, on Friday.

Currently, we are waiting for the payment of the second payment of the first stage. Similarly, the first applicants of the second stage have already received payments. About 7,000 applicants for the second stage have already received payment.

First of all, in case of non-receipt of payments, we advise you to check whether the application has really been sent. This can be done in your personal account at https://evereteran.gov.ua/. Second, your IBAN must be your own. Wait for the coming Friday, if the application has not arrived, then call back at the number: 380 (63) 227−14−56, where they will help to find out the possible problem and tell about the mechanism of its solution.

— Is it possible to apply if a person is in occupation? Or, say, abroad?

— We have no territorial restrictions.

We will remind that after demobilization, military personnel are entitled to five types of payments from the state: the specified conditions.


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