Home Ā» Europeans, alert in Rome for English fans. “Respect the quarantine, they can’t come”

Europeans, alert in Rome for English fans. “Respect the quarantine, they can’t come”

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One certainty, many unknowns. For sure, Saturday 5th July at Olympic stadium and dispute England-Ukraine, quarter-finals of the 2021 European Championships. The widespread uncertainty concerns health precautions, checks, the number of fans arriving from London, any systems designed to circumvent controls. Given the resurgence of the pandemic in the UK, tension is rife. The prefect of Rome, Matteo Piantedosi, has summoned the provincial public order and safety committee where the heads of the police, the commissioner Mario Della Cioppa and the provincial commanders of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza sit. There is also a technical table at the police station.

The appeals not to come to Italy

Ā«I am clear and clear: the English fans will not be able to come to Italy. There are five days of quarantine, the rule must be respected. We can’t take any chances, ā€he says Andrea Costa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health. And the English Football Association, writes the Guardian, confirmed that he will not sell tickets to his fans. 16 thousand spectators will be admitted to the Olimpico, tickets in theory made available to the British are 2,500. But the British authorities invited their compatriots not to leave for Rome: “Our request is to cheer the national team from home, and cheer in front of the TV as loud as possible,” said Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Undersecretary of Commerce today.


The close of the Viminale

Strengthening of controls at airports, stations and also on the main motorways. The Interior Ministry led by Luciana Lamorgese is working on a plan to strengthen checks in view of the quarter-final of the European Championships between England and Ukraine. The ordinance of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which provides for the obligation to swab and a five-day quarantine for all those arriving from Great Britain, “will be enforced to the letter” and “no exceptions will be granted” say the employees to work. But it will be the actual number of British who arrived in the capital, whether or not they comply with the quarantine obligations, to measure the strength and effectiveness of the controls put in place.

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