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Fringe benefit threshold, what could change for those with children

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The cut of the wedge envisaged by the incoming measure adds to that already introduced in the manoeuvre

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Not just wedge cutting. But also more tax-free company benefits for workers with children. The government insists on support for families and the birth rate and enriches the menu of new job measures. Giancarlo Giorgetti, speaking on Thursday at question time, announced the new measures arriving with the work decree. Not only the already prefigured cut in social security contributions to be paid by employees with medium-low incomes, but also “an increase in the limit of fringe benefits for employees with children”.

Hypothesis under study on the threshold

The tax-free ceiling has returned to 258 euros since January (from the 3,000 which for 2022 provided for by the aid decree quater) but the government is now aiming to at least double it, perhaps to the 516 it had been brought during the Covid emergency. “Let’s see,” says Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo. The wedge cut, on the other hand, adds to the one already introduced in the manoeuvre: 2 points for incomes up to 35 thousand euros and 3 for those up to 25 thousand. The hypothesis is of an additional point, which however for some – announced Giorgetti – could also be 2. In any case, as clarified, the inclusion of the measure that raises the fringe benefits for families with children does not reduce the amount of resources allocated to the wedge.

May 1st, the agenda

To illustrate the new measures, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni convened the unions on the eve of the Council of Ministers on 1 May: a meeting at 7 pm on Sunday at Palazzo Chigi, also in the presence of ministers Giorgetti and Calderone, to illustrate to CGIL, CISL, Uil and Ugl the measures being approved. On the agenda is a decree law with urgent measures for social inclusion and access to the world of work and in matters of health. And among the measures under examination also a bill on labor and a legislative decree implementing the 2021 delegation to the government on disability.

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Unions on a war footing

Unions are already on a war footing. The UIL leader Pierluigi Bombardieri, while waiting to see “what will be in the decree”, says he is worried “about the measures that the government is about to take” and promises a May Day not of celebration “but of mobilisation”. However, the CISL is open to discussion and applauds the convocation: “A signal of attention” according to Luigi Sbarra.

Maneuver yard

In the background then remains the maneuver construction site. Despite the few resources on the plate and the constraints imposed on budgetary margins by the new Stability Pact, the majority does not give up their battles. And so in the resolution to the Def the majority group leaders committed the executive to evaluate “an intervention in the matter of raising minimum pensions”, but also resources for schools (including equal ones), structural support for the birth rate, the fight against relocation.

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