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Aliens have visited Colombia? Is there proof?

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Aliens have visited Colombia?  Is there proof?

The question of whether aliens have visited Colombia It is one of the most intriguing and controversial that can be raised.

Some people strongly believe so, and they are based on testimonials, videos and photographs that supposedly show unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or beings from other worlds.

Other people, on the other hand, are skeptical and think that everything is about fraud, confusion or misinterpreted natural phenomena.

Is there proof that aliens have visited Colombia?

There is no scientific or verifiable evidence to show that beings from other planets have been in our country.

However, this does not mean that there are not interesting or mysterious cases that deserve to be rigorously and objectively investigated and analyzed.

One of the most emblematic cases of UFO sightings in Colombia It happened in Medellín on February 23, 2023.

That day, a commercial pilot who was flying from Bogotá to Medellín recorded with his cell phone a luminous and elongated object that was moving at great speed in the sky.

The pilot claimed that the object was not a plane or drone, and that it did not appear on radar either. The video went viral and generated all kinds of speculation and theories.

Other places in Colombia where UFO sightings have been reported are Cali, Santander and Cundinamarca.

At these sites, some witnesses have claimed to see strange lights, silvery discs or glowing spheres moving through the air or landing in rural areas.

Some have even claimed to have had contact with the alleged aliens or to have been abducted by them.

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What explanation do these phenomena have?

Most experts agree that there are several possible natural or human causes that can create the illusion of seeing UFOs or aliens.

For example, meteors, satellites, weather balloons, military aircraft, light reflections, hallucinations, suggestion, or simple joke.

However, they also recognize that there are cases that do not have an easy or convincing explanation, and that require further investigation.

The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the great aspirations of science and humanity.

Most scientists want them to be aliens, more than anyone else, and will be the first to jump for joy when the most likely interpretation of the data is that.

But so far, there is no conclusive proof that intelligent life exists outside of Earth, much less that it has visited Colombia. For this reason, it is important to keep an open mind but also a critical spirit in the face of any extraordinary statement.


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