Home » From scams to terrorism, ChatGpt now worries Europol: the report

From scams to terrorism, ChatGpt now worries Europol: the report

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From scams to terrorism, ChatGpt now worries Europol: the report

Scams, cyber crimes. Even terrorism. Chatgpt (and similar software) can make the fortune of criminals because it simplifies their activities. It is evidence that is getting stronger month by month and is now being confirmed in a Europol study, published at the end of March, the result of some workshops of this European agency for the fight against crime. The point is that if a potential criminal knows nothing about a particular criminal area, ChatGpt can significantly speed up the search process by offering key information. “In this way, ChatGpt can be used to learn about a vast number of potential crime areas without any prior knowledge, ranging from breaking into a home, to terrorism, cybercrime and child sexual abuse.” Europol also presents some “malicious” use cases, noting however that these are not exhaustive. “The goal is rather to give an idea of ​​how different and potentially dangerous LLMs (artificial generative intelligences) like ChatGPT can be in the hands of malicious actors”.

Fraud, impersonation and social engineering

For example, ChatGpt’s ability to draft effective texts based on a user request makes it a very useful tool for phishing. In the past, many scams were easier to detect due to obvious grammatical and spelling errors; now however it is possible to impersonate an organization or an individual in an extremely realistic way even with a basic knowledge of the English language. And it is also possible to customize the text according to the characteristics of the victim. Terrorism and Propaganda The software may also be used to gather information that may facilitate terrorist activities, such as terrorist financing or anonymous file sharing. ChatGpt excels at producing authentic text in speed and scale. This makes the template ideal for propaganda and disinformation purposes, as it allows users to generate and disseminate messages that reflect a specific narrative with relatively little effort

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Criminal actors who have little or no coding and development knowledge can enlist the help of ChatGpt to carry out cyberattacks. At the same time, a more advanced user can leverage these enhanced capabilities to refine or even automate sophisticated cybercriminal ways of operating.


Europol recommends action on three levels: raising public awareness of risks and threats; train law enforcement officials on the opportunities and dangers associated with intelligence; always keep alive a dialogue between technology companies and the authorities, police, regulators and governments to enhance safeguards against the distorted uses of technologies.

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