Home » ‘Microsoft never believed it, Arkane Lyon is working on something big’

‘Microsoft never believed it, Arkane Lyon is working on something big’

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‘Microsoft never believed it, Arkane Lyon is working on something big’


‘It’s raining in the wet’, one might exclaim upon seeing the review bombing of Redfall and reading the caustic statements of a Lyon video game dealer who, on social media, claims to have heard from the Arkane Lyon team some not exactly flattering judgments on the work done by colleagues from the Austin subsidiary.

From the columns of his Twitter profile, the retailer known as Gyo Jvfr enters into the merits of the controversies that are investing Redfall at the launch to report what, in his opinion, are the opinions expressed to the ‘major’ Arkane team by Microsoft: “Having the good fortune and the possibility of counting many Arkane Lyon developers among my clients, this is what comes of it. Microsoft never really believed in Redfall, so much so that it seems he wanted to finish its development quickly. Arkane Lyon, on the other hand, is working on something else, she’s busy on a much more ambitious game than Redfall but I can’t say more about it”.

In the past, Gyo Jvfr has proven its reliability especially with regard to the rumors about the work of Arkane Lyon and other transalpine software houses, but as usual we invite you to take this kind of rumors based on personal opinions expressed by alleged Microsoft developers or executives and reported by third parties.

In the hope of receiving clarification from Arkane Lyon, as well as from Arkane Austin or from Microsoft itself, we leave you with our review of Redfall and Giuseppe Carrabba’s considerations on the latest, ‘talked about’ open world shooter with a cooperative vocation from Bethesda .

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