Home » The angry vote “Milei Presidente” began to permeate the red circle

The angry vote “Milei Presidente” began to permeate the red circle

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The angry vote “Milei Presidente” began to permeate the red circle

“Everyone who quit is still driving from the shadows”, lamented the owner of one of the large companies in Argentina. The complaint aimed more at the vice president Cristina Kirchner and the former president Mauricio Macrithat the current head of state Alberto Fernandez, whom they consider the example of the failure of the co-government. With that background analysis, the business world began to recalculate investments and expansion plansand he started talking about danger in sustaining jobs. Gone was the enthusiasm for the renewal of the government and the reformist spirit of a new management.

consulted by PROFILEmembers of the business world showed their “disenchantment” about the economic futuretied to the political uncertaintyand began to copy a scheme of electoral action similar to the social climate: in the red circle began to take flight the option Javier Milei president. And although it is not on the menu for a real leadership of the country, its growth in the polls of the establishment is presented as a “punishment” for the continuation of the political crisis.

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I’m going to vote for Mileibecause although I do not agree with his plans for the economy, it is a way of showing that he already You can’t stand a constant fighting situation anymore between the members of the same political party, a situation that only weakens the business climate”, affirmed the boss of a group of companies dedicated to industrial production and tourism in the interior of the country.

Of shadows and honesty

A few weeks agoand within the framework of business forums, such as Llao Llao and Cicyp, the presence of Milei was considered almost “quaint”, since it had “few chances” of winning the presidential elections and even entering the second round. But, as he grows up in the polls, the red circle began to have him as a voting option, even knowing that he will not win the election. at least now began to show a kind of sincerity in some spaces where before there could be “sympathy”, but where the fear of “ridicule” weighed more.

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It happens that the reappearances of Cristina Kirchner and of Mauricio Macri left a “feeling that everything will continue in the same waywith administrative power in the hands of the winning candidate, and the real power outside the Casa Rosada”. This state of mind was revealed by an influential businessman, linked to agriculture and industrial activity, who got “tired” of the “red tape within the red tape”as he defined the internal fights between sectors that coexist in the state administrations, “both national and provincial.”

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“Milei’s plan is impracticable, but today she is in a position to wake up traditional politics from a constant nightmarewith meaningless fluctuations, which go from error to error due to flaws in technical concepts, but especially due to political inconsistencies. They are playing with social stability”, was alarmed a manufacturing businessman, who insisted on the conditions of economic explosion in the face of rising inflation and the forecasts of a drop in activity and employment that deepened with last week’s exchange rate run.

Pagani’s retirement moral

Regarding the closing of last week, the retirement of Louis Paganihistoric President and CEO of the multinational Arcor, after turning 65 years old. His removal from the command of the main Argentine food company was due to the retirement age that he governs in the company, although he became a kind of “symbol” of the “stages that are being fulfilled” in the way of the institutionality of an organization, as pointed out by sources in their environment consulted by this medium.

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As soon as the surprising announcement was made public, the red circle put Pagani’s retirement as an example for politics. The case of Arcor is, however, an oasis in the desert of resignations in the private sector, where the commanders of the main companies in the country remain in their positions despite the passage of time. But his arguments rescued the rarity of the outgoing candy: “If a man who built an empire, at the cost of work and investment, leaves his place to give space to the new generation, he makes it clear that in public administration there should be no room for eternal continuities”.

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Specifically, employers demand that Cristina Kirchner y Mauricio Macri “really” release your influences in Front of All and Together for Change. The fear is that the official Sergio Massa, Edward “Wado” Of Peter o Daniel Scioliand opponents Horacio Rodriguez Larreta o Patricia Bullrichhave the shadows of the former presidents throughout the next management. “It would be a tragedy if Cristina and Mauricio try to continue influencing or conditioning the next president. And their return to the public scene last week makes it clear that they will continue on that path,” complained a member of the small table of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA).

The Milei Effect and the League of Governors

In it inside the countrywhere the figure of Milei also showed electoral traction, the business community demanded that the governors “make the electoral flow weigh to coordinate a proposal that decentralizes the power of the Federal Capital.” Some believe that a victory of the Peronist front PJ-Frente de Todos in Tucumán will serve the current governor and candidate for vice of that province, Juan Manzuras platform takeoff of a presidential candidacy. The passing of him as chief of staff of Alberto Fernandez opened a door to the center of the national scene, with a austerity model applied in their territoryaccording to the same president, stood out in an act to start the sugar harvest, last week.

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In the electoral tests of Tucuman, The Pampa, saint Louis, San Juan, Land of Fire y The Pampawhich will take place on Sunday May 14, there will be a staging of the Milei effect. In these provinces, not only will the performance at the polls of the traditional parties and the dispute over territorial power, but also the Libertarian advance and the formula to counteract the angry vote of society, where the debate on the double “i”: insecurity and inflation.


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