Home » Too much work after a heart attack puts the heart at risk

Too much work after a heart attack puts the heart at risk

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RETURN TO A NORMAL LIFE, AFTER THE‘heart attack, is strongly recommended. But it must be remembered that, in terms of work activity, working hard in professional activity can hide risks, especially if it is physically heavy. The problem is signaled by a research conducted by experts from the University of Laval, which indicates an association (therefore not a correlation, or a precise cause-effect relationship) between the exceeding of 55-60 working hours per week and the risk of develop a new coronary event, compared to those who limited themselves to the canonical 35-40 hours for weeks.

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In particular, it has been seen that there is a linear increase in risk when 40 hours per week are exceeded and that the negative effects would be concentrated above all in the first years of resumption of activity after the heart attack, in particular if the work is particularly tiresome. The study, coordinated by Xavier Trudel, is published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and clearly indicates that those who have had a heart attack have an increased risk of experiencing a new heart attack or unstable angina, even after adjusting the data for various confounding factors. And this is no small problem since the probability of developing new events in the six years of observation would have almost doubled. The survey looked at just under a thousand people under the age of 60, who made plans to resume their activities after a heart attack. Only 10 percent of the sample is represented by women.

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During the observation period, just over one in five people experienced a second heart attack. The tendency to “work overtime” was stronger among young people and among those who had unhealthy lifestyles, due to the presence of risk factors such as smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. An important role would also be played by stress in professional activity. The advice of the experts is simple: in addition to planning a cardiovascular rehabilitation path, it is also important to consider the work activity and the “weight” of work in planning the future of the person who has had a heart attack, in order to improve the future prognosis of heart disease.

Attention to lifestyle

“Lavorare stanca” is not just the title of a poem by Cesare Pavese, a poem that invites us to share the journey with someone close to us – comments Claudio Cuccia, Director of the Cardiovascular Department of the Poliambulanza Foundation in Brescia. Working is really tired, and those who allow themselves to be overwhelmed by work endanger their health. Therefore, the Canadian research is not surprising, which shows the risk of having another heart attack doubled if you give yourself too much to work after a first ischemic event “. But how can this phenomenon be explained? And What does it mean to work more than 55 hours a week compared to those who, of hours, allow only the right to work? “It probably means not taking into account the style of one’s life, it means giving credit to only one goal, work, perhaps success, forgetting to chase those other factors that improve survival, such as a careful diet, daily physical activity, smoking cessation, the regard to the precise intake of drugs, weight control, putting a stop to anxiety, stress, depression – resumes the expert.

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Having a heart attack leaves its mark, and not only on the heart muscle, but also on the mind, a mind that risks removing anxiety by thinking about something else. And that other can be ‘only’ work. The Canadian experience will be read in detail, but the meaning of the message is to reconsider our journey, and if for Pavese the destiny of contemporary man is loneliness, this must not be for those who have suffered from a heart attack (and naturally for no one else!): it has long been known that perceiving so-called social support, i.e. feeling close to the family, attending your doctor, considering the hospital as a friendly place, all this reduces the chances of running into a new episode of cardiac ischemia: it means thinking about yourself and making your own Senecano wish “vindica te tibi”. In short, it is necessary to regain time, and why not, ‘stealing’ a little of it even at work ”.

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