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what it means and how things will change now

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what it means and how things will change now

After three years, the world has managed to overcome one of his global health emergencies gravest in the history of mankind, the pandemic of Covid-1. He officially announced it l’Oms and its general manager, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. All over the world, it caused about 20 million dead.

WHO announcement on Covid-19

According to the agencies, Tedros Ghebreyesus invited to celebrate after the announcements that followed the latest briefing by the World Health Organization on the Covid emergency.

Ex emergency, by now: “It is with great hope that I declare the global health emergency of Covid closed”said the top representative of the organization. Then he added: “This is a moment to celebrate but it is also a moment to reflect. Lives have been lost that weren’t meant to be lost, we promise our children and grandchildren that we will never make the same mistakes again“.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus

In Italy, in this regard, the investigation involving the upper echelons of politics and public administration is still underway, called to shed light on the tragic decisions taken at the beginning of the pandemic in our area. Also among the suspects l’ex premier Giuseppe Contethe former minister Robert Hope and the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana.

The total number of deaths during the emergency

Ghebreyesus then focused on the cost in terms of human lives of this health emergency, the most serious of this century and perhaps of the entire history of humanity. “At the beginning of the pandemic – he said – outside China there were about 100 cases of Covid-19 and there were no deaths reported.

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In three years, he stressed, the world has turned upside down: “About 7 million dead have been reported by WHO”, but the same organization admits that the estimate is many times greater. According to its director general, “it is equal to at least 20 million dead”.

According to the latest weekly data, Italy has sadly contributed to this budget with 189,904 victims over the past 3 years. Covid now has little impact on daily life and even the latest restrictions are decaying, but every week there are still many deaths (166 according to the latest bulletin of May 5).

What does the end of the emergency mean and what changes

The next official step is now the pandemic downgrade: it will be up to the WHO director to express himself, on May 20. In the meantime, however, the maximum alert on Covid-19 has been removed, which still remains a threat to health but now appears to be under control.

The WHO decision means that from today the Coronavirus is no longer a Pheic (Public health emergency of international concern), or public health emergency of international concern. It had been proclaimed on January 30, 2020 and required an internationally coordinated response.

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According to Gianni Rezza of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, not much will change now: “It is just a question of acknowledging the WHO decision – he said, reports Repubblica – In the meantime, however, most of the measures have already been abandoned. Nothing will change in Italy like this“.

Covid will still remain active with its many variants – the latest renamed Arturo – but these mutations are getting weakeras underlined by the Head of Medical Statistics and Molecular Epidemiology of the Rome Campus Massimo Ciccozzi.

Photo source: iStock

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