Home Ā» It is said that more than 300 yuan can improve the shape of eyebrows, but the Ningbo woman ended up spending more than 10,000 yuan

It is said that more than 300 yuan can improve the shape of eyebrows, but the Ningbo woman ended up spending more than 10,000 yuan

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It is said that more than 300 yuan can improve the shape of eyebrows, but the Ningbo woman ended up spending more than 10,000 yuan

Many merchants will use various online platforms to launch various preferential packages, especially in the beauty industry. However, there are various routines hidden behind many “low-priced packages”. The so-called “low price” may be just for “drainage”.

The post-95 Xiao Ma usually likes to use various social media, and also pays attention to many beauty-related videos. “Last week, I came across a video advertisement, claiming that more than 300 yuan can improve the shape of my eyebrows. It happened that I was not satisfied with my eyebrows, so I contacted customer service, hoping to make myself look better.” She told reporters. At that time, she was connected with the online customer service, who pushed her the nearest store according to the geographical location.

Xiao Ma came to the beauty studio located in Haishu Hang Lung Building. “At that time, the staff said that they could pay 18 yuan first to get more than 100 yuan.” However, for the items of 300 yuan and 600 yuan that were promoted online, the staff said that the effect was not good, and recommended a package of 6,900 yuan to Xiaoma. .

Some items used at that time.Photo provided by the interviewee

“When the staff is doing the eyebrows, they use different potions to apply, and these potions are charged separately.” After the service was completed, Xiao Ma was dumbfounded when she saw the bill. The total cost was as high as 10,202 yuan, far exceeding her original budget.

“Now calm down and think about it, I really have a problem.” Xiao Ma said that at that time, the merchant did not take coercive measures and obtained her consent. “I would like to tell everyone through my own experience that there must be a budget before consumption. The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers. Once they are ‘fooled’ or ‘brainwashed’ by merchants, consumers are very likely to spend more than they deserve.”

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Consumers spent more than 10,000 yuan of wronged money.Photo provided by the interviewee

The reporter searched for relevant information on the well-known online complaint platform “Black Cat Complaints” and found that there were thousands of complaints related to Wenmei alone. The contents of consumer complaints mainly focus on the following aspects: merchants sell various services and products through low-price drainage; increase service items or products without the consent of consumers; the effect of eyebrows does not match the publicity…

Coincidentally, Mr. Wu was also attracted by a low-cost acne-removing advertisement on a social platform to try it out. As a result, the merchant couldn’t help but promote the use of a mobile phone to get a small loan and purchase an annual card service. Afterwards, he felt that it was beyond his ability to bear and asked for a refund, but the coordination failed, and he regretted it.

Screenshot of customer service chat.Photo provided by the interviewee

The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo Municipal Consumer Protection Committee emphasized that consumers are the “first responsible person” for their own rights protection. They should actively improve their rights protection awareness and ability, and learn more about the content of goods or services before consumption, as well as related terms such as return and exchange.

Ningbo Municipal Consumer Protection Committee reminds the majority of beauty lovers:

1. When choosing a beauty institution, you must pay attention to whether the beauty institution has qualifications and whether the relevant certificates are complete;

Second, pay attention to whether the products used by the merchant are qualified. For the effect that the beauty institution promises to achieve, an agreement must be reached in writing;

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3. Handle prepaid cards carefully. If you need to apply for a beauty prepaid card, you need to understand the terms of the prepaid card, such as the scope of use, deadline, and liability for breach of contract, and handle it as needed. Avoid dealing with cards that exceed expectations and have high risks under the temptation of merchants’ “preferential strength”;

Fourth, rational consumption. Consumers should consume according to their own needs and economic conditions, and do not apply for loans impulsively or consume ahead of schedule;

Fifth, pay attention to retaining certificates. Keep relevant documents such as merchant promotional pages, communication records with merchants, and written contracts in a timely manner. If the legitimate rights and interests are infringed, you can file a complaint through the network platform, regulatory authorities, etc. to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

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