Home » “Amoebas”: the stress that kills.

“Amoebas”: the stress that kills.

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“Amoebas”: the stress that kills.

The emotionality of certain stories based on particular scripts, in which the fantastic meets the real, is due to authors who are able to make the impossible into something that could be true in terms of reading.

“Amoebas” by Motoro Mase, published by Planet Manga is an example of the one mentioned above. A story that involves the reader in a thriller, in which humanity can be affected, due to the excess stress accumulated, by a disease that transforms individuals into amoebas, with the risk of dying.

To deal with this, the SMCC was established, with the task of reducing the stress in the subjects and saving them, composed of Misaki Tamaru, Kosuke Iwai and Shizuka Miwa…

Work that has very dramatic implications, as the victims of this disease have sad stories behind them that can be lived and heard among the common people of our reality. So the narrative structure starts not from fantastic events but from the naked and raw daily life. The author, with a clean, realistic and accurate design, subtly attacks modern society, too frenetic that is too tied to material concepts, putting the emotional aspects, relationships between people, feelings into the corner, leaving out those values ​​of a healthy, regular and honest life.

A manga full of dialogues, in which the psychology of the victims of the disease and that of the components of the SMCC shines through, the action is very limited and the endings, in which there is a growing pathos, leave the reader with bated breath because the death or the salvation of the individual hangs on a very thin thread of emotion which can become the definitive stress.

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