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to play with friends without installing anything, in person or from a distance

by admin

During the pandemic we invented many ways to entertain ourselves with what we had on hand. One day he was making a video call with a friend who lives in another province and, to pass the time, he told me: Are we playing Wikipedia?, with which he went on to explain:

First step

The Wikipedia game is a race: you choose a starting point and a finishing point. It may be that you leave from the shoe brand “Converse” and you want to get to “Casette”, that you leave “Lavarropas” to get to “Napoleón Bonaparte”, or you can play something even more complicated, how to get from “Soap” to “Schrödinger’s cat paradox”. For an extreme difficulty level, Wikipedia has a “random page” button that can be used as a starting point.

Second step

You go clicking on the words that appear in blue, that is, linked. This is optional, but in the games I’ve played we always forbid using geographic location links (cities, countries and continents), because it makes it so much easier. This information is a good option to give beginners an advantage: that only they can use these links.

Third step

Since it is a race, the third rule is very simple: the first one to arrive wins. This part, believe it or not, is not only fun for the winner: I have very warm memories of having a beer with friends, perhaps having to get to “Franklin D. Roosevelt” and having one yell “I’m already in Second Division!” World War!” while another announces, worried, that he is in “Brick”. At the end, we sometimes commented on the journey. “When I was on the page of a Madrid collective, I really got worried,” the winner could say. But it’s about doing what you can with what you have.

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Did you play it? Tell me how your experience was at [email protected]!

This content was originally published on RED/ACCIÓN and is republished as part of the ‘Human Journalism’ program, an alliance for quality journalism between RÍO NEGRO and RED/ACCIÓN.

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