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Positive patient experience in MRI through music video

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Positive patient experience in MRI through music video

Curagita AG

Heidelberg (ots)

Many patients shy away from the examination “in the tube” almost as much as the examination result. The loud knocking noises, lying still for a long time, the narrowness of the examination device. With the music video “MMMM-MRT” a little lightness should be brought into the otherwise rather serious setting. Relaxed atmosphere, dream trips, helping to perceive the examination experience more positively. Does that fit the MRT high-tech ambience?

It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Canadian singer-songwriter Martin Gallop’s brand new music video “MMMM-MRT” brings the story of his song composed in 2019 to life. The anxious patient in the video becomes part of the cheerful examination crew, and at the end Gallop flies into the universe on the tube.

The idea and client is Curagita board member Dr. Johannes Schmidt-Tophoff. For him, the project is an affair of the heart. “With all due respect to the medical examination itself, we want to take a right-hemispheric approach to picking up patients before their examinations and at the same time honoring MRI as an outstanding diagnostic modality,” he says, explaining that he is making the video available to all member practices in von Curagita will make the managed radiology network available for its media, e.g. homepage, waiting room TV, social media.

Martin Gallop is also looking forward to the response, as the song being a commissioned production is also something special for him as a multiple MRI patient. The film was shot in the Siemens Healthineers Experience Center in Forchheim, not in a real MRT. This is not possible due to the enormous magnetic strength of the high-tech device. Gallop and the video producer and director Marvin Ströter hope that the song and the video will help patients forget their fears and worries before the examination for a short time. As they were able to find out, the recordings of relaxed patients are often better, less “blurred” and have to be repeated less often.

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About the music video: The German video will be published on YouTube for the 104th German Roentgen Congress in May 2023. An English version will follow. Curagita AG holds the worldwide right of use and licensing. There is no interest in commercial use of the music videos or the songs. If the video is used, the singer Martin Gallop, the production company Wevame Medienproduktion ( https://wevame.com) and Curagita AG/Radiologienetz Deutschland are listed as producers.

About the MRI: MRI or magnetic/nuclear spin tomography is the gold standard in imaging diagnostics in many areas of medicine. The American chemist Paul Lauterbur and the British physicist Sir Peter Mansfield were honored with the Nobel Prize in 2003 as pioneers of MRI. The first human MRI was performed in 1977. Around 2,800 MRTs in Germany now provide people with radiation-free high-tech diagnostics. More under www.radiologie.de.

To the radiology network: The radiology network is a Germany-wide quality network of currently 400 radiologists in 100 independent radiological and nuclear medicine practices. Curagita AG is a network manager and service provider. More at radiologienetz.de and curagita.com.

Link to the selection of images from the video shoot at the Siemens Experience Center in Forchheim: https://ots.de/fhBkrU

Press contact:

Curagita AG
Anna Scherger
Ringstr. 19B, 69115 Heidelberg
[email protected]
Tel.: +49 (6221) 5025-410

Original content from: Curagita AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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