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things that attract women more than physical appearance | Fun

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things that attract women more than physical appearance |  Fun

The myth that women are looking for a tall, strong and handsome prince on a white horse can often make men feel discouraged, but there’s no need to.

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While a handsome man may be able to catch a woman’s eye more easily, there are many other male characteristics that women are more attracted to.

10. When a man loves children

Let’s be realistic, this trait can only help you if the woman also loves children. It’s a matter of psychology. Women want to feel like proud mothers one day, and a man who loves children is the right man for them.

9. A sense of humor

A sense of humor is definitely a characteristic that all women look for in a man. Even Brad Pitt looks won’t help you if you’re boring and uninteresting. Women love to laugh and love to have fun, and if they have a funny man next to them who can give them that at any time, then it’s a winning combination.

8. Self-confidence

You don’t have to be beautiful to have confidence. Women love confident men who are sure of themselves and their masculinity. They know how to make their own decisions and are very confident and combative in what they do, and women find that incredibly sexy.

7. Positive, optimistic thinking

Nobody likes pessimists and people with a negative view of the world. Optimists are a different story, they are cheerful and always look at every obstacle and problem with a smile. Women are looking for exactly that, a man who will positively overcome all obstacles with them.

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6. Ability to “listen”

Every man knows how to listen, but women are looking for someone who “listens” to a woman. When we say that a man listens, it does not mean that he should follow every command that a woman gives him. Women are looking for perfect communication with men, and a man who listens to the advice, opinions and problems of his better half is a sure winner.

5. Neat and orderly man

Women like to dress up and be at their best on every occasion, and they expect that from their better half. A man does not have to be beautiful to be neat and tidy. Regular haircuts, beard trimming, ironing of clothes, scented perfumes and many other things can make women fall for you.

4. Respect

Respect is definitely one of the most important factors for a successful relationship. Mutual respect is the key to everything. There is no woman who does not want a man who will appreciate and respect her. This can be your strongest link. If you clearly manage to show the girl that you are a man who will respect her, you will have a great chance to win her heart.

3. Ambition

Women love successful men, that’s just the way it is. A man who has no ambitions and does not want to achieve anything in his life may be a good boyfriend for a few months, but women will definitely not want to spend the rest of their lives with him. So ambition is the main thing. If you clearly show a woman that you are working on yourself and that you have a bright future, you will surely awaken the ardor in her heart.

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2. Romance

We all know that romance is the strongest power a man can use on a woman. Women just have a weakness for romantic things. But the main point is not just to be romantic. We agree that it is wonderful to give bouquets of roses, candy boxes and play carols under the balcony, but women want to see that you care about them. It is enough to show them your attention, to call them regularly and they will understand your clear message.

1. Health

Smoking, drinking and eating bad food will certainly not help you win women’s hearts. Women like healthy men. It’s okay to have a drink once in a while, but if it’s your main occupation, women will simply pass you by. Also, you have to take care of the training. You will not be healthy if you only eat right, you have to train and have a healthy body. Women who want children will look at these qualities the most, because they will not want children with an unhealthy person


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