Home » Torremaggiore, Tefta speaks: «Gessica Malaj killed by her father to defend me». The hypothesis of jealousy for the friendships of the 16-year-old

Torremaggiore, Tefta speaks: «Gessica Malaj killed by her father to defend me». The hypothesis of jealousy for the friendships of the 16-year-old

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Torremaggiore, Tefta speaks: «Gessica Malaj killed by her father to defend me».  The hypothesis of jealousy for the friendships of the 16-year-old

“Gessica wanted to defend me. She stood in front of me and so my husband hit her for the things she said ». Tefta Malaj, survivor of the Torremaggiore tragedy, thus explains the death of her daughter Gessica at the hands of her husband Taulant. The woman denies having had a relationship with Massimo De Santis, who was stabbed to death. And there’s a mystery about the cameras installed in the house. According to her investigations, her husband would have put them on to control his wife. According to the woman, she would have put them on to check on her husband. Because he, reports La Stampa, allegedly harassed Gessica in the past. And he was jealous of the 16-year-old’s friendships. Facts on which, however, there are no complaints to the police. To say of Tefta a choice to protect her daughter.

The confession

Taulant Malaj confessed: he said he had “the devil in his brain” for his wife’s betrayals. And that on Saturday night he had surprised her while she was chatting on the phone at night with De Santis. In the interview that Tefta gives to Grazia Longo, the woman says that her daughter «defended me. My husband insulted me with profanity and she said that her accusations were false ». And again: «Fortunately you did not hit Leonardo. Luckily at least Leonardo is alive. I would love to see him, but they haven’t brought him to the hospital yet.” The woman recalls that her husband had also threatened her in the past. Instead, according to neighbors and fellow workers, Taulant had never gone into a rage. Everyone describes him as «a quiet man, all home and shop. From 11pm to 7am he worked in the oven and then devoted himself to the family ».

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The Maserati

“The two met after a car accident. Since then they had started talking and dating. They also ate together. I recorded these meetings with my cell phone,” he said to the investigators. «One day Massimo took my wife around with his Maserati». Then on the night of the crime, after catching his wife chatting with Massimo, she decided to set up what was supposed to be a massacre. All details that the prosecutor is verifying through the analysis of mobile phones seized from the victims and the alleged murderer. An important role will also come from the witnesses. De Santis’ brother, Gianluca, has already denied any sentimental ties and acquaintances between the two. At the moment – the investigators report – treason can neither be excluded nor confirmed. Just as “there are no elements to be able to say that the man wanted to kill his 5-year-old son”, who had hidden behind the sofa, “or that he wanted to spare him” even taking him in his arms after the failed massacre.

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