Home » Germany, explosion in a skyscraper: 12 injured among the rescuers. “Perhaps the trap of a no-vax”

Germany, explosion in a skyscraper: 12 injured among the rescuers. “Perhaps the trap of a no-vax”

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Germany, explosion in a skyscraper: 12 injured among the rescuers.  “Perhaps the trap of a no-vax”

Has provoked explosion within a skyscraper as firefighters were attempting to enter his apartment. With this accusation a man of 57 years old was arrested at Ratingennear Dusseldorfin Germania. Once inside his house, the police found a dead body. The body could be that of the madre of the arrested person, who in the past had sympathized with the deniers of the Covid. Several people were injured in the explosion: 12according to reports from the German tabloid Bildsome of them in a serious way, as reported by the Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Star. According to the German news agency Dpa, there are also among the wounded 10 firefighters. The other two injured would be two agents of police. The reasons for theexplosion. Among the hypotheses there is also that of a man’s “trap”.

The emergency call had arrived signaling a person in danger and one wonders if it was a premeditated ambush, tense on purpose. According to reports from Bild, agents and firefighters were called by a “person in difficulty” and when, upon arrival at the scene in Berliner Strassethey opened the apartment door, they were run over by a detonationprobably caused by the man that some photos later immortalize on balcony. The explosion may have been triggered by the presence on the floor of gas or flammable material, but it is not clear whether the detonation was caused by the opening of the door or triggered by the man, subsequently neutralized by agents of the special commando.

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After the explosion, several snipers took up positions on the spot and a large contingent of special forces intervened. The investigations are underway and there are still many uncertainties about the causes of the incident, while according to Reuel it would have emerged from social networks that the man, who was also injured and stopped by the police, had sympathies for the Covid deniers and no-vax. Special forces stormed the apartment and arrested the 57-year-old, one explained spokesman of the police, adding that the man was taken from the facility with serious injuries. At the moment it is not possible to say whether he was injured by the explosion or during the arrest.

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