Home » Quick and smart wardrobe change: the tricks to organize the wardrobe

Quick and smart wardrobe change: the tricks to organize the wardrobe

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The idea of ​​facing the usual face to face with shelves and shelves presents a long series of annoying evidences. In addition to the effort, in fact, this task reminds us that ours wardrobe it’s never tidy as we would like it and the thought of having to reorganize it appears to us as a titanic undertaking. Also, opening drawers shows us that we have so many clothes that we don’t put on but we can’t get rid of them. Why not dedicate a few hours to a smart wardrobe change to revolutionize not only the room but our whole life? Here are the steps to follow.

In this article

Take a day to change your wardrobe

Not knowing how to keep the house tidy is a behavior that has its roots in a psychological dimension. He claims it Marie Kondo in his bestseller The magical power of tidying up. Perfect Home Care argues that the trap that constantly makes us fall into the disordercreating a dangerous boomerang effect, lies in the illusion that doing it a little at a time is easier. Dedicating one day to trousers and another to t-shirts seems less tiring, yet it is a method destined to fail also because in doing so we will never have a overall view of the spaces at our disposal.

Operation out of everything

To rearrange the fundamental operations are two. First: throw away what you don’t need e find a place for the things that remain. The very famous Kondo method suggests arming yourself with courage and pulling out all your clothes, gathering them on the floor. Without neglecting any spaces, in addition to wardrobes and drawers, where we keep other items that could escape the selection (a closet, for example, or a mezzanine). At this point it will be necessary to take them in hand, one by one, e decide what to do with it.

Mission Two: Select

Marie Kondo argues that an excellent selection criterion is to save what still gives us an emotion. Does this seem too abstract and difficult to put into practice? So let’s resort to a pinch of healthy realism: if we don’t remember the last time that we have it wornthen we can give it away (we’ll see how later).

Closet Change: Arrange one category at a time

The wardrobe change will be simpler and more rational if we take it into consideration one type of clothing at a time. If you want to proceed in the most efficient way, divide things into the following sub-categories:

  • Top mesh;
  • Pants bottoms;
  • Things that need to be hung (jackets, suits, coats);
  • Underwear;
  • Purses;
  • Accessories, such as scarves, belts, hats;
  • Seasonal clothes, for example ski clothes or swimsuits;

Password: fold everything

For a state-of-the-art wardrobe change, everything must be stored in the cans o containers in order to optimize space. There is no comparison between the space gained by folding clothes and the space gained by hanging them. The real benefit, always according to Eastern philosophy, is that by doing so, the moment you touch them with your hands, you will pour your energy into them. But how to fold them?

How to fold T-shirts and socks

The Kondo method is based on verticalization of garments that bend, whether it’s a t-shirt, sweater, socks or pantyhose. Tutorials inspired by his infallible system abound on the Net as well: we explain how reducein a few simple moves, these garments in order rolls. These must then be arranged, during the wardrobe change, next to each other and you will immediately be able to identify them when you open a drawer.

On the crutch but with criterion

However practical it may be to fold as many clothes as possible to save space, some such as coats, dresses, jackets or skirts, are inexorably hanging. Even in this case, however, the Kondo method comes to meet us with useful indications. The garments hanging in the wardrobe should, in fact, follow a line increasing from left to right. Coats and jackets, gathered next to each other, will gradually give way to dresses and skirts. L’impact visual will be more pleasant and we will have no difficulty in finding without fail what we need.

How to fix your clothes once and for all

Now that our wardrobe is finally perfect, let’s make an effort not to frustrate the efforts made by following three simple rules.

No to immediate shopping

After getting rid of so many things we will certainly feel naked and tempted to rush into the nearest shopping center for one wild shopping it will be very high. We do not give in to the strong desire to offset losses with immediate new purchase sessions. Think well of the efforts just made!

We select the new purchases

With the wardrobe change, the vast majority of us will have realized that we have too many things, the result of impulsive spending. Let’s make an effort, from here on out, to ponder more carefully what we really need. THE capi those are worth investing in classics: jacketsa pair of moment with comfortable medium heel, a White shirt and a romantic full skirt.

Follow the two-for-one rule

We can define this rule “two for one”. For every new thing purchasedwhether it’s a bag, a jacket and a pair of shoes, let’s throw ourselves or give it away two old women o unused. An even nicer way to get rid of it and maybe earn something delicious? We periodically organize swap party, that is, convivial after-dinner tea dedicated to bartering. Let’s call together some friends who have decided to give themselves to the decluttering, that is, the elimination of the superfluous. There are also many sites where you can have your own showcase and sell clothes in a very simple way.

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