Home » La Maddalena, Paolo Merlo’s medical department reopens

La Maddalena, Paolo Merlo’s medical department reopens

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The medical department in La Maddalena reopens.

The medical department of the Paolo Merlo hospital in La Maddalena reopens. The resumption of service will take place tomorrow, after the situation linked to the lack of personnel that had forced the department to remain closed.

The reopening tomorrow.

Satisfied is the mayor Fabio Lai, who together with local politics, has fought a lot in recent weeks for the health problems that are afflicting the community, like all of Gallura. “The sense of responsibility won, the reopening of the medical department more than a result obtained it is the restitution of a right that had been stolen from us – he has declared -. Our community is experiencing the discomfort of double insularity and this is not a detail, but an essential element that must guide the future choices of the healthcare company ”.

“Together with the CGIL public function and associations we have fought for a long time to protect our hospital – he added -. We have done it and we will continue to do so, closing departments, cutting rights, is never a solution. It is necessary to plan immediately and well to avoid being in difficulty in times of emergency “.

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