Home » Yopal Fire Commission supports search for missing plane in Guaviare – news

Yopal Fire Commission supports search for missing plane in Guaviare – news

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Yopal Fire Commission supports search for missing plane in Guaviare – news

After assessing the evidence presented by the Attorney General’s Office, a specialized criminal judge from Yopal (Casanare) sentenced Wilson Arévalo Hernández, alias Chaco, to 17 years and 3 months in prison and to pay a fine equivalent to 4,900 salaries. current legal monthly minimums.

The ruling reaffirmed that alias Chaco is responsible for the crimes of rebellion, and financing of terrorism and organized crime groups and administration of resources related to terrorist activities and organized crime; In addition, he specified that he must serve the sentence in a prison.

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During the oral trial, a prosecutor from the Specialized Directorate against Criminal Organizations demonstrated that the sentenced man belonged to the Domingo Laín Sáenz Front of ELN, frequented the camps on the border area with Venezuela, took food and other items, hid illicit money and obtained new resources to sustain the different illegal structures in Arauca and Casanare

The evidence shows that alias Chaco established the Villa Esperanza dairy company, which served to transform money from extortion and kidnapping in the eastern part of the country, and use the proceeds from the sale of cheeses and different products to financially cover various terrorist acts, such as the attack on the Francisco de Paula Santander General Police Cadet School, which left 22 cadets dead and several injured, on January 17, 2019.

Likewise, it became clear that this man transported ELN leaders, weapons, explosives, communication equipment, and quartermaster material in the vehicles of his dairy industry.

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Accounting analyzes and other investigative activities indicated that the Villa Esperanza company was created with a capital of barely 3,500,000 pesos and with a single employee, Wilson Arévalo Hernández. Similarly, they revealed that, between 2012 and 2017, he received 337 consignments for 4,530 million pesos and stopped declaring to the State a figure greater than 5,000 million pesos that would correspond to income from illegal actions.

The known conviction is of first instance and legal remedies are available against it.

Source: Attorney General’s Office

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