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On average 31 apps on every smartphone

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Smartphone apps have become an indispensable part of everyday digital life. The number of installed applications keeps increasing. On average, there are 31 apps on private smartphones – in addition to the pre-installed applications. This was the result of a representative survey by the digital association Bitkom eV

Number of apps increases by 24 percent

In the previous year, the average number of installed apps was 25. The younger the user, the more apps are on the smartphone. There are 42 apps among 16 to 29-year-olds, and not even half as many (19 apps) among 65-year-olds.

App purists are the minority. Only 8 percent have fewer than 10 apps on their smartphone. 17 percent stated that they had between 10 and 20 applications, 20 percent had 20 to 30, and 22 percent had 30 to 50. Compared to the previous year, the group of intensive users with more than 50 apps has increased (2023: 22 percent, 2022: 16 percent).

“The range of apps has developed rapidly in recent years. Apps have gained in importance in the banking and finance sectors in particular, but also in mobility and in the areas of health, entertainment and shopping,” says Bitkom CEO Dr. Bernhard Rohleder. “Especially during the corona pandemic, the app market in Germany has grown enormously.”

Tip: Remove unused apps

If you have accumulated many unused applications on your smartphone, you can simply delete them. They take up storage space and can negatively impact device performance.

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