Home » The king of Indian fashion: “We are crazy about you, boom for made in Italy”

The king of Indian fashion: “We are crazy about you, boom for made in Italy”

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The king of Indian fashion: “We are crazy about you, boom for made in Italy”

Darshan Mehta: “Luxury, food and craftsmanship are highly appreciated”

Between India e Italia a connection is being born never seen before. Indians are opening up to a new market towards the West and in particular they are increasingly attracted by the “made in Italy“. Confirming this change is the Asian country’s fashion leader, Darshan Mehta. “When a new luxury market opens up,” explains the president of Reliance Brands Limited – for the first ten years, new consumers are mainly attracted by logo. Then they mature and begin to appreciate the craftsmanshipthe history and the culture what a product tells. India is entering this new phase and especially appreciates the creations made in Italy, their manufacturing, materials and the whole production process fuel their interest. Italian fashion is closely connected to other expressions of Made in Italy”.

Darshan Mehta goes into detail: “In addition to fashion, Indians are very attracted by turismo and from food Italians, more and more people, for example, choose the Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast to go on vacation. Like India, Italy is a continental country, Indians know this and appreciate it for theirs diversity. Today – continues Mehta – there is also a lot of attention for the designanother category that is conquering the Indians is the Furniture expo of Milan, is a new center of gravitynot just for the design but also for the moda“.

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