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The rule of law

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The rule of law

The Rule of Law is the principle of governance by which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are subject to the constitution and laws of the republic, which must be complied with equally by all citizens and Public officials of course.

Political institutions regulated in this way must guarantee equality before the law, the separation of powers, social participation in decision-making, and procedural and legal transparency.

Our constitution in its article 1 establishes that: “Colombia is a SOCIAL STATE OF LAW, organized in the form of a unitary republic…..” It is the central axis that establishes our fundamental Charter, the basis of principles, laws and other norms or provisions, as well as well as the structure of the state.

Article 113 of the Political Constitution states that the public power will be made up of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial and by the autonomous and independent bodies, in charge of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the other functions of the State.

The principle of separation of powers is a scheme that allows the distinction of functions and the assignment of these to different bodies. This structure was raised by the French political philosopher Montesquieu, who in 1748 wrote “The spirit of the laws”, and identified three branches of the state: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

In turn, article 121 states that no State authority may exercise functions other than those attributed to it by the Constitution and the law.

The central purpose of the separation of powers is to allow the branches of a similar hierarchy that make up the State to function, but separately and without one interfering with the other, free of controls, obstructions or intimidating pressures, and to collaborate harmoniously.

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In turn, article 249 specifies that the nation’s attorney general’s office is part of the judicial branch and will have administrative and budgetary autonomy.

These and several other constitutional articles develop the assumption that Colombia is a social state of law and it is known that the constitution and laws must be read and understood in an integral way.

For democracy, the principle of the separation of powers is the backbone and the guarantee of its exercise, strength and validity.

The social rule of law implies compliance with constitutional and legal norms, as a pledge of legal stability, respect for all citizens and their fundamental rights, security in their lives, honor and property.

The law is normative, coercible, and tends towards justice, and the free development of the human being, their rights, the prevalence of the general interest and a country in harmony.

Respect for the rule of law and its compliance are the guarantee of peace and economic and social development and the State must articulate society from democratic and legal bases.

The Rule of Law is the principle of governance by which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are subject to the constitution and laws of the republic, which must be complied with equally by all citizens and Public officials of course.

Political institutions regulated in this way must guarantee equality before the law, the separation of powers, social participation in decision-making, and procedural and legal transparency.

Our constitution in its article 1 establishes that: “Colombia is a SOCIAL STATE OF LAW, organized in the form of a unitary republic…..” It is the central axis that establishes our fundamental Charter, the basis of principles, laws and other norms or provisions, as well as well as the structure of the state.

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Article 113 of the Political Constitution states that the public power will be made up of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial and by the autonomous and independent bodies, in charge of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the other functions of the State.

The principle of separation of powers is a scheme that allows the distinction of functions and the assignment of these to different bodies.

This structure was raised by the French political philosopher Montesquieu, who in 1748 wrote “The spirit of the laws”, and identified three branches of the state: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

In turn, article 121 states that no State authority may exercise functions other than those attributed to it by the Constitution and the law.

The central purpose of the separation of powers is to allow the branches of a similar hierarchy that make up the State to function, but separately and without one interfering with the other, free of controls, obstructions or intimidating pressures, and to collaborate harmoniously.

In turn, article 249 specifies that the nation’s attorney general’s office is part of the judicial branch and will have administrative and budgetary autonomy.

These and several other constitutional articles develop the assumption that Colombia is a social state of law and it is known that the constitution and laws must be read and understood in an integral way.

For democracy, the principle of the separation of powers is the backbone and the guarantee of its exercise, strength and validity. The social rule of law implies compliance with constitutional and legal norms, as a pledge of legal stability, respect for all citizens and their fundamental rights, security in their lives, honor and property. The law is normative, coercible, and tends towards justice, and the free development of the human being, his rights, the prevalence of the general interest and a country in harmony.

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Respect for the rule of law and its compliance are the guarantee of peace and economic and social development and the State must articulate society from democratic and legal bases.


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