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Transitional agreement with Siae: music is back on Facebook and Instagram

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Transitional agreement with Siae: music is back on Facebook and Instagram

“Following a transitional agreement signed between the parties, music protected by Siae will return to listening on Meta’s social platforms”. The Italian Society of Authors and Publishers communicates it in a note in which it “expresses satisfaction with this result, sought and achieved, but remains committed to protecting the interests of its members, continuing to work tirelessly to reach a definitive and lasting agreement fairness and transparency, as also requested by the European Copyright Directive. It also undertakes to carry on negotiations in compliance with the decisions and precautionary measures dictated by the Agcm”.

The case

Meta and Siae meet, but an agreement on music is still far away

by Bruno Ruffilli

The confrontation between the parties is not over, but the silence of social networks is over. Music, it must be said, had gradually returned in the last few days, the blockade already seemed less rigid. And now the official announcement. Which, however, comes, for the moment, only from Siae. Italian Tech asked Meta for a comment, we are awaiting a response.

Meanwhile, a comment comes from Enzo Mazza, president of Fimi, the Italian Music Industry Federation: “This is an important step for the music industry because it allows music fans and artists to use important social media channels again”.

Instagram and Facebook begin to delete Siae’s music from social networks

by Bruno Ruffilli

The previous agreement, in force since 2020, allowed the use of songs protected by Siae on Facebook and Instagram in exchange for a never disclosed amount. Expired on December 15, 2022, it had been frozen during the negotiations. After three months of negotiations, on March 16 Meta had interrupted the discussion on the renewal and decided to remove Siae’s music from the two social networks.

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An initial meeting before the joint Culture and Transport commissions of the Chamber ended without results but with many exchanges of accusations between the parties.

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At another table, held on April 6 at the Ministry of Culture at the request of the undersecretary Lucia Borgonzoni, a representative of Meta who had arrived especially from Menlo Park also attended. “We are ready to collaborate to respond to the requests of the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority. Protecting the copyrights of composers and artists is an absolute priority for us, which is why we remain committed to reaching an agreement with Siae that satisfies all the parties”, said a company spokesman. Meanwhile, the Agcm had launched an investigation and established a precautionary procedure to reactivate the negotiations, imposing the “restoration of the availability? of musical content protected by SIAE on Meta’s properties throughout the period necessary for the conclusion of the negotiations”. And this is what has happened now, at the expiry of the term set out in the measure.

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