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constant drop in petrol and diesel at the pump

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constant drop in petrol and diesel at the pump

Monitoring records a positive trend. The discussion for the reorganization of the fuel sector also continues: the table has been convened by the end of May

The data recorded daily by the observatory of Guarantor for the Surveillance of Prices confirmed in the last three weeks, from 17 April to 7 May, a drop in prices at the pump of petrol and diesel also due to the easing of international oil prices and refined products.

In particular, in the aforementioned period the price of petrol recorded a steady decline: in fact during the first week of May the average weekly price was 1.828 €/lt compared to 1.880 €/lt three weeks earlier (10 – 17 April) with a reduction of -5.2 cents/lt. A similar trend for the price of diesel which shows a constant contraction since the beginning of the year, with a more accentuated trend in the last three weeks: in fact, during the first week of May the average weekly price was 1.675 €/lt, compared to 1.759 €/lt of three weeks before (10 – 17 April), with a reduction of -8.4 cents/lt.

Crude oil, linked to international dynamics, underwent slight tensions from the second half of March, which weakened until they disappeared in the first week of April: in fact, since mid-April, all international prices have recorded a constant decline.

In parallel with the monitoring of the Guarantor for the Surveillance of prices continues, to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and coordinated by the undersecretary Massimo Bitoncithe path for the reordering of the fuel sector. In recent weeks, the contributions provided by the associations of the supply chain have been developed and by May the table will be convened again with all the representatives of the sector.

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