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Cholesterol, with these simple rules it is lowered without medicines: what to choose at the table

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Cholesterol, with these simple rules it is lowered without medicines: what to choose at the table

Choosing the right diet can help control cholesterol levels. Here’s what to buy when you go shopping.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all cells of the human body, essential for the production of some important substances such as sex hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help in the digestion of fats.

Despite its strong utility, though, it’s important to point out that a high level of cholesterol in the blood can be dangerous to your health. When it reaches rather excessive numbers, in fact, this can be deposited on the walls of the arteries, thus being capable of narrowing or blocking the blood flow and even increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction and stroke.

From here, therefore, it is clear why it is important to keep cholesterol levels under control and adopt one healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Is there, however, a trick that helps in this mission? Apparently, it would seem so!

The right foods for cholesterol control

The The maximum concentration of cholesterol must always remain below 200 mg per deciliter of blood. If the values ​​are not very close to the maximum limit, it is possible to get help from the power supply. Here, but what are the foods to choose to keep cholesterol under control?

Diet to follow to control cholesterol (tantasalute.it)
  • Il pesce, in particular, it is recommended for its concentration of omega 3;
  • Likewise dried nuts, including walnuts that decrease LDL cholesterol in the blood;
  • We then have i tomatoes which are rich in lycopene useful for regulating cholesterol and triglyceride values;
  • Among the drinks we have the green tea which has many beneficial properties for the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. The benefits are given by the leaves that can regulate blood pressure values ​​and reduce the concentration of LDL in the blood;
  • The extra virgin olive oil it is a healthy condiment to be preferred, especially raw, as it is rich in mono and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which help to counteract the increase in cholesterol;
  • I Whole grains such as oats, rice, spelled and barley, along with potatoes, they are rich in fibers which help the intestine to counteract the excessive absorption of cholesterol. In particular, in potato peels there is a high concentration of these fibers which increase the sense of satiety and also regulate absorption;
  • The consumption of raw onion, instead, it can help regulate LDL cholesterol levels in the blood due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action that affects cholesterol absorption.
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Just as with wrinkles, even in these cases it is possible to control blood cholesterol levels and prevent serious pathologies with small dietary precautions.

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