Home » Red weather alert: Mayor Tripoli orders the closure of schools

Red weather alert: Mayor Tripoli orders the closure of schools

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Red weather alert: Mayor Tripoli orders the closure of schools

🔴🔴🔴 Red alert: Schools closed. The mayor of Bagheria, Filippo Maria Tripoli, following the red weather alert communicated by the regional civil protection, has ordered the closure of schools of all levels for tomorrow, 15 May 2023. The closure order will be made available as soon as possible.


🔴🔴🔴 The regional civil protection has issued notice n.23134 for the weather-hydrogeological and hydraulic risk, valid from 16.00 today 14 May and until 24.00 tomorrow, Monday 15 May 2023. A YELLOW alert is expected on today’s date which switches to RED and ORANGE ALERT tomorrow in the areas indicated on the map. PRECIPITATIONS: From scattered to widespread, even with showers or thunderstorms, over western Sicily, with high to very high cumulative quantities, especially in the second part of the day; from scattered to widespread, even with showers or thunderstorms, over central Sicily, with generally moderate cumulative quantities; scattered, even with showers or thunderstorms, over the remaining areas, up to locally moderate. VENTS: Tendency to strong or stormy, first from the eastern quadrants and subsequently from the southern ones, up to a strong storm and in rotation from the northern quadrants on western Sicily. SEAS: Rough, tending to very rough, Strait of Sicily; very moved, tending to agitated, the Ionian and in the evening, the Lower Tyrrhenian. Here is the full notice:

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