Home » Councilor Lai speaks at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”. Lai: “Educating respect and legality right from school”

Councilor Lai speaks at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”. Lai: “Educating respect and legality right from school”

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Councilor Lai speaks at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”.  Lai: “Educating respect and legality right from school”

Councilor Lai speaks at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”. Lai: “Educating respect and legality right from school” – Autonomous Region of Sardinia

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Thus the regional councilor for Labour, Ada Lai, spoke, representing the president of the Region Christian Solinas, at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”, in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Cagliari.

Cagliari, 13 May 2023 – “Appreciation for an initiative promoted by women in the name of Emanuela Loi, whose sacrifice in the fulfillment of her duty we all remember with emotion. It is significant that the award is given to another woman, Daniela Mura, superintendent of the State Police of Cagliari, as an ideal continuation of that service that Emanuela was unable to carry out due to human wickedness. Today more than ever, in schools it is essential to make the young generations aware of vital issues for our social life, such as legality, the fight against organized crime and all types of physical or verbal violence”. Thus the regional councilor for Labour, Ada Lai, spoke, representing the president of the Region Christian Solinas, at the XV FIDAPA Prize “Emanuela Loi”, in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Cagliari.

“I am pleased to note that the theme of this year’s competition is “Bullying and cyberbullying: knowing in order to understand, prevent and contrast” – underlined Lai – We are well aware, in fact, that we don’t die only because of physical violence, but unfortunately also for those subtle and subtle forms of contempt and offense harmful to personal dignity, today amplified by the misuse of new technologies. In this regard – added the Councilor for Labor – I would like to remind you that the Regional Council has approved Law 18 for the prevention and fight against bullying and cyberbullying. An important measure, long awaited to support bodies and institutions such as schools in combating the phenomenon. Because education in respect and legality must start right from school.

We are here today – said the exponent of the executive Solinas – also to enhance the contribution of women in the professions, in the arts, in knowledge and in business and in work with that addition of vivacity, creativity and originality typical of women, which allows companies and all organizations to express those excellences that, as Councilor for Labour, I want to protect and support. In this direction – she adds – our collaboration continues. Fidapa, in partnership with a training agency, will be able to participate in the call for training on ancient identity crafts, such as textiles, tailoring, craftsmanship, which we have included among the subjects of the call, thanks to their solicitation. A notice from the Regional Labor Department, soon to be published – he concludes – aimed at creating an efficient, sustainable and competitive production model, and at promoting programs of inclusion and social cohesion, through the training of professionals who can be used in the world of Work.

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