Home » Africa: development cooperation, the Atlas for Development will be presented today in Milan

Africa: development cooperation, the Atlas for Development will be presented today in Milan

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How to measure the work of the Cooperation? The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics) has asked itself this question and has responded by creating Atlas for Development (A4D), a platform that will allow everyone to easily access and consult the main indicators on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. A4D will be presented today, Monday 15 May (starting at 3.00 pm) in the Sala Malliani of the University of Milan, within the Sustainable Development Festival organized by Asvis.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development places data at the center of attention as a tool to monitor and analyze progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and to better target resources. In particular, it is extremely important to have harmonised, timely and accessible data for all. In this A4D framework, it will allow both Aics and the public to access all the main indicators on the SDGs provided by international sources, such as the World Bank, the WTO or the Ilo, and easily compare them.

Compared to the databases currently in use, reports Aics, A4D will have the advantage of collecting, updating and standardizing thousands of indicators from qualified international sources with totally automatic procedures. A4D will have a worldwide geographical coverage with different territorial and geo-political aggregation keys and will allow to classify the indicators according to the reference framework of the 2030 Agenda. The advanced functions of A4D will allow stakeholders to use the platform to produce automatically updateable reports on the progress of the 2030 Agenda or on other topics of interest.

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Speeches by Emilio Ciarlo, head of institutional relations and communication of Aics, and the data manager Adolfo Morrone are expected at the presentation of A4D. Valerio Bini, professor at the University of Milan, Angela Ferruzza, Istat expert, and Elias Gerovasi, curator of Info Cooperation will also participate in the presentation round table.

To participate in the event you need to fill out an available registration form by clicking here. [Da Redazione InfoAfrica]

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