Home » Neuroscience focuses on warm colors for toys to succeed in the market

Neuroscience focuses on warm colors for toys to succeed in the market

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Neuroscience focuses on warm colors for toys to succeed in the market

05/15/2023 at 13:29


A study carried out by the Polytechnic University of Valencia on the Alcoy Campus reveals how consumers choose the toys they buy for their children

Neuroscience holds the secret to why we choose the products that we end up taking home, and this goes through warm colors and packaging with large images. This is revealed by a study carried out by a group of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia on the campus of alcoy.

Many children play more with the boxes that wrap the gifts than with the toys they contain. Hence the importance of creating creative packaging for the products. When choosing this entertainment, parents also pay attention to the fact that it transmits certain social values.

Although the minor is already seduced by television advertisements or by friends around them, having an eye-catching and creative container helps when choosing the product, according to David Juárez, project director and laboratory manager. of neuromarketing at the Alcoy Campus.

“Los toys have a buyer and a user, That is why they are different from other products, the father buys, but the child plays,” says Juárez.


The research work has consisted of determining using neuroscience techniques the cognitive perception that parents between 35 and 45 years of age, with children between the ages of 4 and 8, have towards boxes of educational toys.

To carry out this work, neuromarketing techniques have been used that have allowed the analysis of the attention of the subjects to the stimuli with eye tracking, through an “eye tracking” tool, and the emotional intensity experienced through the response. galvanic of the skin.

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In the comprehensive quantitative analysis of parental care, it was found that the image of the first package of the game attracted the highest percentage of attention of all the participants, representing is a 54% . While other elements of the box such as the legend (12.75%), the age (6.94%) or the brand (1.97%) are less important.

The conclusions drawn from the research on the design of educational toy packaging are aimed at enhance warm and bright colors that make the product more attractive. As well as increasing the size of the brand to improve positioning, at the cost of reducing other elements that generate less interest, such as the size of the product name, explains Juárez.

In the same way, use a graphical explanation of game themes and increasing the legend produces a higher quality feel. In addition, it is important to focus attention and explain the skills that the child enhances while playing, the age at which it is recommended to use it, and eliminate the rest of the texts used, placing them somewhere other than the cover.

Another deduction from the study is that It is not the same to buy as a gift than for oneself. “When you buy, social acceptance is premium, looking good. The galvanic response of the skin highlights a high intensity in this sense. When they take the game to give away the packaging is not important, but what is important in this sense is the price” Juarez explains.

The researcher assures that “toy companies must value with neuromarketing techniques the packages of these to optimize yields”.

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