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Playoff final, Igokea – Brac first match | Sports

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Playoff final, Igokea – Brac first match |  Sports

Igokee m:tel basketball players will welcome Borac from Banja Luka in the first game of the playoff finals of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Championship in Laktaši on Tuesday from 8:00 p.m.

Source: MONDO

“Igos” reached the opportunity to defend the title with a double triumph over Budućnosti from Bijeljina, while the red and blue team from Banja Luka also outplayed Široki in two matches.

Coach of Banja Luka Zoran Kascelan spoke to MONDO about the final, and now he announced himself through the club’s Facebook page.

“We are expecting the first game of the final in a great mood after a great semi-final series against Široki. We are going to face Igoke, which is an ABA leaguer and the absolute favorite to win the championship almost every year. We have experience playing against them, we met in the BiH Cup and played good match. I am sure that the motivation of my boys will be at the highest possible level, that it will be a real challenge and the icing on the cake for everything we have done so far.” said the Montenegrin expert in the announcement of the meeting in Laktaši.

Boris Dragojevicbasketball player from Borca, expressed his hope that Banja Luka will achieve a favorable result.

“The final series with Igoke awaits us, it is about a team that plays higher than us, physically they are a very good team. I hope that, above all, we will also respond physically, show energy and hopefully achieve a good result”. said Dragojevic.

The final series will be played for three wins, Igokea m:tel has the home field advantage, the second and eventual fourth game will be played in the “Borik” hall in Banja Luka, while Aleksandrovčani will be the host in the third and eventual master’s match.

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