Home » Festival of Economics 2023, Pd secretary Elly Schlein in Trento on May 25

Festival of Economics 2023, Pd secretary Elly Schlein in Trento on May 25

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Festival of Economics 2023, Pd secretary Elly Schlein in Trento on May 25

The Secretary of the Democratic Party (Pd) Elly slime will participate in the Festival of Economics on Thursday 25 May at 10.45, at the Teatro Sociale in Trento, being interviewed by the Director of Il Sole 24 Ore, Fabio Tamburini on the theme “Our ideas in the economy”. In fact, economic policy and geopolitics represent two of the strands through which the theme of the 18th edition of the Trento Festival of Economics, “The future of the future. The challenges of a new world”, organized from 25 to 28 May 2023 by the 24 Ore Group together with Trentino Marketing on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento and with the contribution of the Municipality of Trento and the University of Trento. To give their contribution from this point of view will be economists, political scientists, historians, managers, entrepreneurs, as well as political leaders.

The Stability Pact

On the economic policy front, one of the events not to be missed will be Saturday 27 May on the fate of the stability pact and budgetary policy, which will see speeches by Marco Buti, the European University Institute, Veronica De Romanis, Luiss Guido Carli University, Marcello Messori, LUISS Guido Carli University, Lucrezia Reichlin, London Business School, Giovanni Tria, Former Minister of Economy and Finance and Honorary Professor of Economics, Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Focus sul Pnrr

Several scheduled appointments, including the panel on Friday 26 May on obstacles, protagonists and opportunities of the Resilience Plan (Pnrr) which will be attended by Federica Brancaccio, president of Ance, Dario Scannapieco, managing director of Cdp, Marco Leonardi, University of Milan , and Marco Venturelli, general secretary of Confcooperative. On the other hand, President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court Franco Gallo will reflect on the feasibility, prospects and contradictions of differentiated regionalism on Sunday 28 May.

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On the geopolitical front, the theme of the future of Europe will be tackled from various points of view. On the first day, two exceptional political scientists will take part: Sergio Fabbrini from the Luiss Guido Carli University will speak on the role of Europe in the new world order, while Roberto D’Alimonte from the Luiss Guido Carli University will discuss “Democracies under stress: inequalities , identity and populisms” among others with Massimo Egidi (Luiss G. Carli University) and Saskia Sassen (Columbia University).

Sustainable growth

Not to be missed, on the same day, was the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Commission, Paolo Gentiloni, who will talk about the European way to sustainable growth; Sir Alex Younger, head of the British secret intelligence service MI6 from 2014 to 2020, who will analyze the threats of the new world between pandemic, war, energy and climate crisis, cybersecurity; and the panel on “American state aid to companies and the European reaction” introduced by Emma Marcegaglia which will be attended by Johns Hopkins University political scientist Daniel S. Hamilton and economist Maria Demertzis, deputy director of Bruegel.

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