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Cleaning outdoor carpets: effective home remedies and methods!

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Cleaning outdoor carpets: effective home remedies and methods!

Outdoor rugs are a key element in the design and aesthetics of your outdoor space. They can bring the feeling of a living room to your patio or patio. In addition, because they are designed for outdoor use, they are made from a durable material that can withstand a variety of weather conditions. However, it is up to you to take care of them and you should do this regularly. Find out how to clean your outdoor carpet in this article!

Clean Outdoor Carpet – These home remedies are ideal for this purpose

Depending on the degree of soiling, there are various agents that you can use to clean your outdoor carpet. Here are the home remedies that will help you with this campaign!

For light maintenance, use a vacuum cleaner: First shake out your carpet if its weight allows it to remove the coarse dirt on it. You can remove the remaining layer of dust with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If you choose the latter, however, make sure your carpet is dry. Vacuuming will also remove dirt that has become lodged deeper in the fibers.

For a more thorough cleaning: If you have removed the most visible layer of dirt but want to clean your outdoor carpet even more thoroughly, go to the next step. All you need for this process is soap/cleanser and a garden hose. If you don’t have a yard, you can do this step in the bath or shower.

  • Notice: The type of detergent you should use depends on how dirty your carpet is. Normal dishwashing detergent is sufficient for light soiling. In the case of heavier soiling, however, you should use a special product in which you strictly adhere to the dilution ratio specified by the manufacturer.
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Rinse the cleaning agent thoroughly from the carpet

In a bucket, mix a small amount of your chosen cleaner with cold or warm water, depending on your preference. Apply the mixture to the carpet with a soft-bristled brush. To be sure that the cleaner you choose does not attack the color of the fabric, first apply it to a small area. If everything is fine, leave the mixture on for a while and then rinse thoroughly. If the color has not faded, you can safely clean the entire carpet.

dry: To avoid the risk of mold growth, it is advisable to immediately lay the carpet in a sunny place to dry. Put it on the balcony/terrace or on a flat spot in the garden. However, make sure that he is not lying on grass. That would not be good for the grass, for the plants nearby, or for your carpet.

Bottled water and baking soda for stubborn stains

Use mineral water & baking soda for stubborn carpet stains

Bottled water can be very useful when cleaning stains on outdoor carpets. Due to its properties, it is able to positively influence any stains – both those from red wine and those from coffee. However, sometimes using it alone is not enough. Then baking soda comes to the rescue.

Sprinkle a little of the powder on the stain and douse with warm mineral water. However, it is important that it does not boil! Leave the baking soda on for a few hours. Then wipe it off and the stain should be gone. If necessary, repeat the process.

Clean outdoor carpet with shaving foam

Cleaning Outdoor Carpet - These home remedies and methods work great

Shaving cream is another home remedy you can use to remove dirt from your outdoor carpet. How to proceed:

  1. Gently rub it in with a dry cotton cloth until foamy streaks form.
  2. Then wait two hours or more if the stains are stubborn. You can leave it on for the next 24 hours.
  3. Then clean it with a soft bristle brush.
  4. Finally, vacuum up the residue with a vacuum cleaner (if you haven’t already put it away in the storage room). Otherwise, an absorbent cloth is sufficient.
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Washing machine & pressure washer are also an option

Machine washing is another option for cleaning outdoor rugs

Machine washing at 30 or 60 degrees is also an option for cleaning outdoor carpets. However, there are a few factors to consider.

  • Not every model can be machine washed. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for caring for the rug in question. Otherwise, your rug may be unusable after washing – its synthetic fibers are warped and deformed.
  • The size of the carpet is also important. A washing machine is only suitable for those who can easily fit into it.

Cleaning outdoor carpet with high-pressure cleaner: In cases where the garden hose could not remove the dirt on the carpet, use the pressure washer as an alternative. However, it is important that you use it on low power. Otherwise, the carpet fabric may be damaged.

For more ways to get rid of carpet stains without chemicals, click here!

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