Home » Do you do this when you sneeze? You risk a lot! That’s why you should never do it

Do you do this when you sneeze? You risk a lot! That’s why you should never do it

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Do you do this when you sneeze?  You risk a lot!  That’s why you should never do it

There is one gesture you must never make when you sneeze. Its consequences can be drastic, yet it is widespread

Sneezing is a typical gesture of the cold and seasonal allergies: in this period, for example, if we go to a park in bloom we will hear many people sneezing in the grip of pollen. As much as it is noisy and stressful, it’s actually very important because through it we free the nose from what annoys, such as mucus or various impurities: it’s an instinctive response from the body to heal faster. But if, when you sneeze, you do this gesture you have to pay attention.

Don’t do it when you sneeze: it’s dangerous (ilgranata.it)

First of all, it is good to know that to protect those around us from the bacteria and viruses that we can emit when sneezing, it is necessary do it inside a handkerchief or, if we don’t have it, we need to move and do it as far away from other people as possible.

Furthermore, each handkerchief must be thrown away in the undifferentiated waste, so as to avoid the circulation of viruses and bacteria. In addition to these precautions, there is one that must absolutely always be respectedNot doing so can be dangerous.

When you sneeze you must never do it: it’s dangerous

The gesture never to be made, which can also have quite serious effects on health, is to hold back the sneeze: Doing this puts up to 20 times more pressure on the airways than when you release the sneeze. This, therefore, could cause some even serious consequences: Here’s what it is.

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Don’t do it when you sneeze: it’s dangerous (ilgranata.it)

First, holding in a sneeze can cause rupture of some capillaries of the eyes, as well as epistaxis, that is the exit of blood from the nose due to the rupture of internal capillaries. Also not to be ruled out ear injuries medium and internal, which can reach up to the laceration of the eardrum. Very rare but also worth mentioning the rupture of the pharynxas well as the aneurysm that is the dilatation of a vascular segment.

More likely, however, that holding in a sneeze causes a nagging sensation feeling of tightness in the chestwhich can also radiate to the ribs and sternum and the ear infection is also quite widespread, due to the accumulation of mucus which, blocking sneezing, is not released.

If you are in an environment or situation where you cannot sneeze, instead of blocking them it is better to prevent themreducing exposure to the irritant if you are allergic to something and keeping the rooms clean and well ventilated.

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