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Is communication with spirits through a medium real?

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Is communication with spirits through a medium real?

Communication with spirits through a medium is a subject that has generated much controversy and debate throughout history.

Some people believe that it is possible to contact loved ones who have passed away, while others consider it a deceptive and dangerous practice.

What does a medium do?

A medium is a person who claims to have the ability to perceive and transmit messages from the spirits of the dead.

According to the mediums, these spirits communicate with them in different ways: through sounds, images, sensations or even taking control of their voice or body.

The mediums assure that their gift is natural and that they have developed it with time and practice.

Some claim to have spirit guides to assist them in their work, while others claim to receive information directly from the spirits.

Reasons to go or not to a medium

The reasons people turn to a medium vary, but generally have to do with a desire for comfort, guidance, or answers about the afterlife.

Some people seek to reunite with their deceased relatives or friends, others want to know if their souls are at peace or if they need something from them. There are also those who hope to receive some advice or prediction about their future or that of their loved ones.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of spirits or the possibility of communicating with them.

Science considers that mediumship is a psychological or parapsychological phenomenon, which can be explained by various factors, such as suggestion, imagination, memory, the subconscious, the Forer effect or the Barnum effect.

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These effects are that people tend to believe that the vague and general messages they receive from mediums are in line with their personal situation and expectations.

On the other hand, religion is also opposed to mediumship, at least from the Christian point of view.

The Bible expressly prohibits consulting mediums or the spirits of the dead, since it considers that it is a form of idolatry and rebellion against God.

According to the Bible, only God has power and knowledge over life and death, and only he can reveal his will to men.

Furthermore, the Bible warns that the spirits that communicate with mediums are not really the souls of the deceased, but demons that pose as them to deceive and confuse people.

Finally, turning to a medium can have negative consequences for people’s mental and spiritual health.

Some risks are

– Create an emotional dependence on the medium or the supposed spirits.
– Lose critical and rational sense in the face of the medium’s statements.
– Suffer disappointment, frustration or guilt if the messages are not fulfilled or are contradictory.
– Opening up to evil influences or dark entities that can harm or possess people.
– Moving away from God and his plan for life.

Communication with the spirits through a medium is independent of each human being, their beliefs and other reasons, all taking into account that it is an illusory practice.

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