Home » Spain towards the right to be forgotten oncology: what it is

Spain towards the right to be forgotten oncology: what it is

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Spain towards the right to be forgotten oncology: what it is

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced the government’s commitment to implement the right to be forgotten oncology as soon as possible through an initiative that will allow those who have overcome cancer for five years to no longer be discriminated against or suffer more onerous conditions when contracting products or services such as credit, insurance and mortgages.

The measure, which should enter into force by June, will declare invalid all the clauses based on cancer antecedents that exclude or discriminate against people in the contracting of products or services, will prevent the insured’s cancer background from being taken into account to impose more onerous conditions in insurance contracts and will establish for the first time the right not to declare that one has cancer when taking out insurance linked to a mortgage loan.

This new entitlement will benefit all people who have completed cancer treatment 5 years prior to the contract date, with no subsequent relapse. “It makes no sense that, after having suffered from a serious illness, one should be penalized with more onerous conditions,” explained the prime minister in a meeting with cancer patients’ associations.

“This announcement will become reality in June,” Sánchez said on Saturday during one of the electoral rallies he is currently attending in view of local and municipal elections scheduled for May 28.

“People who have overcome cancer should not be discriminated against when looking for a job, insurance or a home,” he added.

In Italy, a bill on this topic has been presented by the National Council of Economy and Labour.

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