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Cracked skin after make-up? Makeup for a uniform and natural effect

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Cracked skin after make-up?  Makeup for a uniform and natural effect

The skin after make-up can be dry and give an overall uneven and very unpleasant appearance. This doesn’t mean not wearing makeup but adopting a specific technique.

Cold, incorrect products and smog tend to dry out and compromise the dermis. A very unpleasant situation, as can be clearly understood, which does not tend to improve either with a completely natural face or by masking everything with a little make-up. On the contrary, some experts say that using classic beauty products when you’re in an acute phase of chapped skin only makes the situation worse. How to behave in cases like these, then?

If you too have noticed that, after carefully removing make-up, your skin has cracks or redness, it is good that you know how to behave. Continue reading the article and find out everything you need to know.

Cracked skin after make up: how to solve the problem

To prevent the skin cracked is visible after make-up, making everything heavy and unpleasant, you don’t have to do great things, but only prepare it in the best possible way. This calls attention to the fundamental concept of beauty routine: the skin must be purified, cleansed properly and also hydrated. Let’s find out all the steps together.

How to behave if the skin is red after make-up (tantasalute.it)
  • So, the thing you should never forget is to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your skin carefully. Recommended to be done twice a day and, above all, in the morning and in the evening, facial cleansing is an important step because cosmetics, even if natural and optimal, still tend to compromise the skin above all because they close the pores;
  • The second step is hydration. If the skin is dry it means that it lacks adequate hydration. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day and adopting a specific cream for your face. Even this choice must be made with care because not all skin types are the same and not all need the same hydration. Before applying make-up, whether it’s concealer, foundation or something else, it’s important to moisturize and then proceed;
  • Those who suffer from dry facial skin should prefer liquid makeup which tends to dry less, first adopting a moisturizing primer which not only fixes the make-up but also allows you to better hydrate the underlying skin. In this way the products can be spread more easily and also give a uniform touch. It’s better to opt for a luminous and not matte finish because with gloss you tend to notice this defect less while with a matte make-up you certainly see more;
  • Also watch out for amount Of trick, you have to use very little and use a damp sponge to facilitate the application. As for the concealer, however, the same rules apply: bright color and the same as the complexion to avoid messes. It should also be applied very sparingly otherwise it will show and the goal of reducing imperfections will not work.
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They are few and simple rules but they make the difference, they help the skin to recover and above all they avoid that chapped mask effect on the face that is really not very nice.

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