Home » Berlusconi dead, now Meloni dreams of polarizing Italy as Silvio did

Berlusconi dead, now Meloni dreams of polarizing Italy as Silvio did

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Berlusconi dead, now Meloni dreams of polarizing Italy as Silvio did

Silvio Berlusconi is dead, and with him the front that fought him

Nothing will be like before! The Italian political leader is certainly gone most influential of the last quarter of a century. He, who, with his irreverent descent into the field, had changed the face and the very essence of our local politics, is destined to upset everything again with his own. It’s not a matter of charisma or political charm that the Cav had in spadesas pertains to the setting up of the political framework.

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With the death of Silvio Berlusconi that granite and ideological anti-Berlusconi front that had – with all the bitterest exaggerations – scored a season; inexorably, divided the electorate in favor or against the prestigious tenant of Arcore and supported a “sick” bipolarity, will necessarily fail and this will give the opening to sensational news, especially on the left. It’s not something of tomorrow, surely. But with the prospect of the next European vote, certainly, yes.

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