Home » Can the Shanghai stock index regain support this time by stepping on the 60-day moving average?丨Market Debate

Can the Shanghai stock index regain support this time by stepping on the 60-day moving average?丨Market Debate

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CBN 2021-10-12 15:32:45

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

Today, the three major indexes opened lower and moved lower, the market sentiment was sluggish, and the volume could continue to shrink. The Shanghai stock index stepped back on the 60-day moving average. Can it be supported again this time? Is it time to absorb on dips? The industry believes that it is not easy to be overly pessimistic because the market turbulence has intensified. The amount of land may form a land price, and the market may hit the bottom twice.

Can the Shanghai stock index regain support this time by stepping on the 60-day moving average?丨Market Debate

Today, the three major indexes opened lower and moved lower, the market sentiment was sluggish, and the volume could continue to shrink. The Shanghai stock index stepped back on the 60-day moving average. Can it be supported again this time? Is it time to absorb on dips? The industry believes that it is not easy to be overly pessimistic because the market turbulence has intensified. The amount of land may form a land price, and the market may hit the bottom twice.

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