Home » Colombia, children in the jungle. Grandmother’s flour, mother’s watch and Indians

Colombia, children in the jungle. Grandmother’s flour, mother’s watch and Indians

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Colombia, children in the jungle.  Grandmother’s flour, mother’s watch and Indians

Colombia, 4 children lost in the jungle for 40 days after a plane crash found alive (photo Lapresse)

Colombia, children in the jungle: “Mom is dead. We are so hungry”

Backstory on the miracle emerges find of the four children in Colombia, survived 40 days in the jungle following the crash of the plane they were travelling. “I am hungry“. “Mia mamma And dead“. These are the first words of the four little ones found alive. The Colombian TV Rtvc broadcast a video of the moment in which the indigenous guard Murui finds his little brothers and later when he hands them over to the Colombian Armed Forces. The images are shot with a mobile phone. To help them survive was also one stockpile of cassava flour which they had brought on the road. They had three kilos and they have eaten for days, General Sanchez rebuilt instead. From the children’s stories it also emerged that the little ones watched over their mother, Magdalena, in hers agony for four days. It was the eldest of the four who said it, lesley.

Read also: Children who survived a plane crash: they had been in the jungle for 40 days

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Rebuilding the moment of meeting on TV, one of the members of the research team, Nicolas Ordonez Gomes, said: “The eldest daughter, Lesly, with the baby in her arms, is run towards me and he told me: “I’m hungry”. “One of the two boys was lying down. He got up and whispered: “My mother is dead”. The images are shot with a mobile phone. In the movie you see a indigenous holding little Cristin in her arms rocking her and singing her a lullaby. The other three little brothers are standing next to the rescuers. Yesterday General Pedro Sánchez García, 50, headed the Joint Command special operations of Colombia, he recounted that at the beginning the children didn’t trust them of food offered to the military. Who found them by following the trail of scissors, fruit and a diaper they left behind.

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