Home » Corruption in Liguria, Signorini (Toti’s man) does not respond to the investigating judge

Corruption in Liguria, Signorini (Toti’s man) does not respond to the investigating judge

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Corruption in Liguria, Signorini (Toti’s man) does not respond to the investigating judge

Toti, the former president of Porto Signorini does not respond to the investigating judge

Silent scene. As he writesAnsa, the former president of the Authority of the port system of the Western Ligurian Sea and CEO of Iren, currently suspended, Paolo Emilio Signorini, availed himself of the right not to answer before the investigating judge of the Court of Genoa Paola Faggioni, detained in Marassi prison since Tuesday on charges of corruption as part of the maxi investigation which also led to house arrest the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti and the logistics entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli.

In the Genoa investigation, hypothesis of illicit financing: 2 suspects

There is also the hypothesis of illicit financing in the investigation by the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office into the ‘Toti system’ the governor of Liguria has been under house arrest since last Tuesday. The accusation, which is not contested in the precautionary measure, currently concerns the director of Esselunga Francesco Moncada and Maurizio Rossi, the publisher of the Primocanale newspaper, searched three days ago. The prosecutor’s office was already investigating for illicit financing of the Change foundation and Toti’s party. The investigation, still open, is coordinated by prosecutor Luca Monteverde, the same as the investigation into the so-called “Toti system”. In that case, a series of entrepreneurs are investigated who, according to the accusation, paid money to the foundation in a secret manner. Among these also Pietro Colucci, at the helm of a galaxy of companies that deal with waste. In recent months, in the investigation into Change, the financial police had also searched the businesses of Vincenzo Onorato, Moby shipowner, and of the oilmen Costantino of Europam and Black Oil. Among the financiers under the lens of the investigators were also the naval entrepreneurs Amico, the shipowner Gianluigi Aponte, and the Spinellis. In the precautionary custody order that led to Toti being placed under house arrest, it emerges that Colucci is being investigated for corruption in relation to the landfill management affair.

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Conte: “Tell me if Toti can continue”

“Tell me if a regional president under house arrest, with an investigation that is expanding more and more and is denouncing what we have been saying for some time, that is, the contamination between business and politics with financing systems that are, to say the least, cheerful and even the risk of mafia infiltration in regional affairs, then tell me if he can stay and be president of the Region…”. Like this‘ the leader of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte, during a press point in Cusano Milanino responding to those who asked him if the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, now under investigation, should resign. Conte then asked himself: “shall we wait about ten years and then draw the consequences?”.

Toti, Bassetti: “I am and will remain his friend”

“I was a friend, I am a friend and at this moment I am even more of a friend of Giovanni Toti. I am guaranteed until proven otherwise.” Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, tells La Presse after the major corruption investigation that led to the house arrest of the Ligurian governor Giovanni Toti. Bassetti had met Toti the evening before the arrest, at a public event in Genoa at the Teatro della Gioventù. “After that – he adds – there is an investigation underway, I know that the Genoa prosecutor’s office works well and I am sure that the trial will shed light on everything it needs to shed light on. I believe in this delicate moment it is right to be even more aware close as a friend”.

Lupi: “Toti? I am convinced that arrests can be revoked”

“I am amazed and worried, we are faced with warrant interrogations and we are already saying that governor Toti is guilty and must resign, an absolute monster. Let’s stop. The funding we are talking about is not bribes, but legitimate funding collected during the electoral campaign Perhaps the reflection to be made, and which the judges will obviously do, is whether the administrative acts are legitimate or not. I believe that Giovanni Toti has the strength, as he said, to defend himself and I am convinced that even the arrests, which have some doubts also raised in Minister Nordio, they may be revoked”. The leader of Noi Moderati, Maurizio Lupi, said this when asked on the sidelines of the presentation of the candidates.

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