Home Ā» DRC to African migrants: this is how we fight illegal travel. The proposal

DRC to African migrants: this is how we fight illegal travel. The proposal

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DRC to African migrants: this is how we fight illegal travel.  The proposal

Migrant massacres, a form of economic sustenance could be a first way of concrete help: the comment

L’Unhcr (UN Refugee Agency) tells us that i migrants who land in Italy come fromAfrica Sub-Saharan Africa divided as follows: Nigeria 19%, Eritrea 13%, Sudan 7%, Gambia 7%, Ivory Coast 7%, Somalia 5% and to a lesser extent Pakistan, Afghanistan, Senegal, Mali, Chad, Egypt and Syria. Now, the problem of migration from countries where we know that there are civil wars and in any case conflicts in general, in my opinion these people should be protectedabove all by the UN, with humanitarian corridors, therefore with preferential routes that allow people to leave their own country to land in safer states.

Then there is the other big problem: that of economic migration and here allow me to make a brief comment. The fact of wanting at all costs to land on the Italian coasts, accompanied by dilapidated smugglers barges crammed to capacity by men, women and children where everyone is called “DAMMIMILLLEEUROETIPORTOIO”, where the boats are without services, without medical personnel, without insurance and then do not communicate the date, time, port of departure and docking causing the death of the embarked and unloading the blame on others, does not seem to me an appropriate choice.

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