Home » Earned 10,000 euros on Fiverr: These are my 5 most important tips

Earned 10,000 euros on Fiverr: These are my 5 most important tips

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Earned 10,000 euros on Fiverr: These are my 5 most important tips

Slawa Larin (29) is an advertising copywriter. In one year he was able to bring in net sales of around 10,000 euros from Fiverr orders. Slawa Larin/Getty Images

29-year-old copywriter Slawa Larin generated net sales of 10,000 euros on Fiverr in one year, documents obtained by Business Insider show.

Especially for advertising copywriters or SEO experts, more and more options are opening up about how to make money online. The problem is that without the right connections, many freelancers find it difficult to even get jobs.

The 29 year old Copywriter Slava Larin had a similar experience. With the aim of finding jobs more easily, he registered on the Fiverr platform – and was able to earn net sales of 10,000 euros in a year, according to his annual earnings, which Business Insider was able to see.

Larin says he became aware of Fiverr through a YouTube video. This video described how someone could earn up to 20,000 euros a month on the platform. “I was pretty skeptical at first,” he tells Business Insider. “You often see scams on YouTube that promise quick money and of course it never works.”

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While signing up, Larin’s expectations for Fiverr weren’t particularly high. “To believe that you can earn five-figure sums in a month is of course completely absurd,” he says. “It was much more important for me to find my way around the platform and see what came out of it.”

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Larin describes his early days at Fiverr as challenging and requiring patience. “It takes a really long time to gain a foothold,” he explains. “It took me about two months to get my first order – and at a very low price.”

Patience is crucial to success on Fiverr

He learned to lower his expectations and maintain patience. “Many people give up after just two weeks because they probably haven’t even received their first order by then,” he emphasizes. “Patience is crucial to success on Fiverr.”

His first job on Fiverr was writing copy for a tiler’s website. “For my first jobs, I wrote texts for websites and did search engine optimization, offering my services for as little money as possible – in this case it was five euros for 500 words.”

Using this strategy, he earned his first positive reviews and adjusted his prices over the months. According to Larin, positive profile reviews are crucial to making money on Fiverr in the long term.

This is how he became successful on Fiverr

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