Home » Elisabetta Gregoraci queen of Monaco, red dot look. Crazy fans

Elisabetta Gregoraci queen of Monaco, red dot look. Crazy fans

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Elisabetta Gregoraci queen of Monaco, red dot look.  Crazy fans

Elisabetta Gregoraci queen of Instagram (and of Monaco): the pink and sensual look amazes the fans

Elisabetta Gregoraci never misses a beat. Especially on Instagram. On the other hand, you know, the ex-wife of Flavio Briatore he knows how to “make his mark”. And the latest photos posted on social networks are proof of this. Long shock pink dress, black ankle boots, bag Chanel between the hands and natural long hair, which caresses the face and back: like this Gregoraci is immortalized in the streets of his dear Monaco. A look as simple as it is seductive, which immediately found the approval of the fans.

They are Instagram in fact, the positive comments dedicated to the showgirl were not lacking: “You are of a disarming beauty, my light: you simply shine! I love pink on you so much”, writes a user. “How wonderful that you are love”, adds another. “Fpure gluttony”, “Top quality”, “In love with you”, summarize three others. “With the charm of someone who knows how to take what she wants. So beautiful and I wish you a pleasant evening”, says another fan instead. In short, Elisabetta Gregoraci she just knows how to win the hearts of men (and fans).

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