Home » Enhance work efforts to promote the improvement of investment value of listed companies_China Securities Network

Enhance work efforts to promote the improvement of investment value of listed companies_China Securities Network

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The China Securities Regulatory Commission held a meeting on February 5 to discuss the progress of the work being done to visit listed companies. The meeting reported on the progress of the visit, exchanged experiences, studied common issues reported by the companies, and put forward requirements for better cooperation with local governments in the next steps. The emphasis was on strengthening work synergy and promoting the high-quality development of listed companies and the improvement of investment value.

According to industry insiders, the visit to listed companies is of great significance in supporting their high-quality development and driving the high-quality development of the capital market and the real economy. This indicates that the relevant work will be further intensified.

The meeting held that since the national video conference on January 29, all provinces have taken immediate action to select key companies to visit and have carried out on-site visits. This demonstrates the clear attitude of the government and regulatory authorities in supporting the high-quality development of listed companies.

Many listed companies have reported that the visit has been practical and helpful in solving their difficulties. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has also held a special meeting to put forward specific requirements, showing its commitment to implementing and intensifying relevant work.

The importance of the visits to listed companies in supporting their development and boosting market confidence was highlighted by industry experts. The visits have achieved significant results and have accelerated the atmosphere for joint efforts to improve the quality of listed companies and enhance the confidence of entrepreneurs and the market.

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Furthermore, the meeting emphasized the need to continue to stimulate the vitality of listed companies and to base the work on solving the practical difficulties and problems that restrict their high-quality development. It also called for an improvement in the working mechanism to jointly promote the high-quality development of listed companies and the improvement of investment value.

Localities, such as Jiangsu, have stated that they will continue to carry out activities to visit listed companies to promote high-quality development, solve difficulties encountered by listed companies, stimulate their vitality, enhance their profitability and development potential, and boost market confidence.

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