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Ex-Ilva, Urso: “There are five large groups interested”

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Ex-Ilva, Urso: “There are five large groups interested”

Ex-Ilva, Urso: “There are five large groups interested”

“Five large companies are interested in acquiring Ilva.” This information was announced by the Minister of Economy and Promotion of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, who was in Genoa yesterday to meet the employees and union representatives of the company, currently immersed in one of its most serious crises. Urso clarified that “any interested investor will be subject to the ‘Golden Power’ regulationa mechanism through which the government can impose bans or requirements to guarantee production and investments.” This is what was reported by La Stampa.

The minister said this move will be “prudently implemented” to establish “the investment framework and the conditions that the State will require from those who will obtain the former Ilva factories.” In the next few days, he underlined, the extraordinary commissioners of the steel industry will have to present a convincing industrial plan, demonstrating how the 320 million euro bridge loan can be repaid within the expected time frame. To that end, Urso explained that they are working to “get an advance within the next 40 days.”

According to the head of the Ministry, “as soon as we had to intervene with the extraordinary administration, Due to the financial problems that emerged, I immediately consulted with Commissioner Vestager in Copenhagen and subsequently with Commissioner Breton in Brussels to communicate to them the requests that we will present for the bridge loan.” Regarding the times for the assignment of the factories, Urso does not gave a specific date but gave a general timeline. “I hope it will be possible to do this before the summer break and then finish the process by the end of this year or the beginning of next.” The match will continue until May, when the current lease will expire.

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