Home » Gather high-quality surging new kinetic energy 2023 Qingdao·Global Venture Capital Venture Capital Conference held

Gather high-quality surging new kinetic energy 2023 Qingdao·Global Venture Capital Venture Capital Conference held

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From the 12th to the 13th, the 2023 Qingdao·Global Venture Capital Venture Capital Conference hosted by the Qingdao Municipal People’s Government was held. With the theme of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Venture Capital and Venture Capital to Create the Future – Gathering High-Quality and Surging New Momentum”, the conference will create a cooperative and win-win exchange platform for venture capital and venture capital to activate new momentum for high-quality development.

It is understood that at this conference, a total of 55 key investment projects were signed on-site, with a total scale of 58.732 billion yuan. At the same time, the conference released the “Qingdao Venture Capital Ten Rules” policy version 3.0, the “Global Venture Capital Industry Annual White Paper (2023)”, issued the “Qingdao Venture Best Active Venture Capital Institution” “2023 Qingdao Top Ten Emerging Venture Capital Institutions” and “2023 Qingdao Top Ten Capital Favored Enterprises” were awarded, the Hengfeng Wealth Management brand was released, and Zhongtai Securities Qingdao Regional Headquarters and Qingdao Capital Market Service Base were unveiled.

Zhao Haozhi, deputy secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said that Qingdao·Global Venture Capital Conference has become an important platform for industry exchanges and cooperation. Driven by the influence of the conference and the support and participation of all walks of life, Qingdao’s venture capital industry ecology has been continuously optimized, The industry is booming. As an important central city along the coast of the country, in recent years, Qingdao has continuously accelerated the pace of building a socialist modern international metropolis in the new era. The high-quality development of Qingdao’s economy and society provides broad investment opportunities for venture capital institutions. We sincerely look forward to further strengthening exchanges and deepening cooperation with you in the development of the real economy, the construction of professional industrial parks, innovation and transformation development, and urban renewal and construction. , to achieve win-win development in cooperation. Qingdao will strive to create a first-class business environment and actively provide investors with better services.

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Wang Jianping, Director of the Second Department of Market Supervision of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shan Lipo, Director of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Lu Hao, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Li Mingzhong, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Sun Li, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Stock Exchange Li made a speech separately.

Since 2019, Qingdao has proposed to build a “Global Venture Capital Center”. Statistics show that as of the end of 2022, there are 403 private equity fund managers registered in Qingdao, 2,237 funds under management, and a management scale of 182.424 billion yuan, an increase of 11.28% year-on-year, and more than 550 new funds, ranking second in the country. (Qi Hening)

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