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GDP, this is why economic policies for its growth are the priority

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GDP, this is why economic policies for its growth are the priority

GDP, this is why economic policies for its growth are the priority

The Government is grappling with many reforms of an Institutional (Premiership and Federalism) and Social (Social Security and Poverty Subsidies) nature, and now, with my contrary opinion, makes money by selling shares of large public companies (ENI, Post Office and State Railways), are in disagreement because shares are sold for 20 billion but in three years the same shares would have produced the same revenue for the State, already from the fourth year for the state coffers it would have been better to keep them. The actions to increase the Gross Domestic Product (#GDP) however are lackingbecause for each Ministry, finding actions to increase production capacity and the sizing of Italian companies would involve knowledge of the business market and clear and credible planning of #works, #services and #supplies that pushes the undersized Italian companies (even and above all fiscally Italian) to invest in work vehicles, raw materials and personnel.

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When will the Government led by Giorgia Meloni begin this work? When will a Microeconomic analysis of the Italian system begin to generate Macroeconomic Government actions? Italy remains weak in the relationship between credit provided by banks or other financial intermediaries and gross domestic product: it is at 123%, compared to 131% in Germany and the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan which are placed in a narrow range with data around 160% and constant over the last decade. These are data from a report by the Intesa Sanpaolo Studies and Research Department, according to which Canada stands out in this parameter with a ratio of 246% between credit and Pil. This ratio “is a fundamental indicator for measuring the degree of financial intermediation, which measures how much credit supports the economic activity of a country.

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