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Google laid off 12,000 employees on the day the surviving employees collapsed and cried: some employees said goodbye to never being evil – yqqlm

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Google laid off 12,000 people on the day the surviving employees collapsed and cried: some employees said goodbye to never being evil

2023-01-28 17:20:44 Source: KuaiTech Author: Xuehua Editor: Xuehua Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

On January 20, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, announced layoffs, equivalent to about 6% of the company’s global workforce (12,000 people).

At the meeting on the day the layoffs were announced, some of the surviving employees broke down and cried, according to a working Google engineer.

When the remaining employees asked each other how they were doing, some joked, “It’s okay, we still have jobs after all,” he said.

“I used to really think that Google was different, that you didn’t feel like this company was just a big money-making machine, and that there was a sense of purpose that everyone used to work with. But now, I think that feeling has disappeared,” the engineer said. “

Those who remained at Google feared that Google was no longer a company that made them feel special, that the search giant was just another big company, and they feared further layoffs.

Of course, many resigned employees said that Google is getting farther and farther away from the slogan of “never be evil”…

Google laid off 12,000 people on the day the surviving employees collapsed and cried: some employees said goodbye to never being evil

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Responsible Editor: Xuehua

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